Topic: Spirituality & the Arts summer services

Abstraction and Spirituality

We wrapped up our Spirituality and the Arts summer worship services with Haitian artist Sophia Domeville as our featured speaker accompanied by Esther Thomas. Our special “5th Sunday” donee was Fonkoze, which is made up of three organizations that work together to help rural Haitians — primarily women — receive financial services like micro-loans and … Continue reading Abstraction and Spirituality

Summer Road Trip #2

Following up on our wonderful experience attending All Soul’s Washington DC’s July 4 worship together online, we attended worship remotely at UU Congregation at Montclair, (NJ), the congregation Rev. Barnaby attended for more than 10 years before entering seminary in 2008.

Spiritual Practice of Farming and Art Making

With Hannah Sessions, Blue Ledge Farm owner. Multi-access. Order of Service Preservice music  Bell  Recognition of Land Prelude Ronnie Romano Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Julia Chant, worship associate Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting:  Julia Chant Music: From All the Fret and Fever of the Day (Hymn # 90) From all the fret and fever of the … Continue reading Spiritual Practice of Farming and Art Making

Artistic Collaboration: Kate Gridley and Francois Clemmons

Kate and Francois are collaborators! When he sings publicly, she is his accompanist on the piano. An artist as well as a pianist, Kate is now painting Francois’ portrait. This remote service was produced in Kate’s studio with Francois and Kate providing the music and readings and discussing the nature of their collaboration. Worship Associate … Continue reading Artistic Collaboration: Kate Gridley and Francois Clemmons

The Art of Being Mindful of the Natural World

Led by Liam Battjes Greenwood infused with Braided Sweetgrass reflections from Native Moons group members. View the archived service here:   Order of Service Preservice Music:   Walking Trails     Liam Battjes-Greenwood Bell: Recognition of Land & the Words before All Others   Anne Christie Prelude   What a Wonderful World (Lyrics inspired by Braiding Sweetgrass)            Liam … Continue reading The Art of Being Mindful of the Natural World

Five Poems that Made My Day

Rev. Barnaby shared five poems, assisted by Becky Strum and Chris Murphy. Dr. Francois S. Clemmons sang Lift Every Voice and Sing. Links to recorded portions of this service to come at a later date. Order of Service Preservice & Prelude: Chuck Miller Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Becky Strum Welcome & Pathways to Connection: … Continue reading Five Poems that Made My Day

The United States of Reparations

On this day, the United States commemorates the Declaration of Independence. However, it is time for this country to create a new declaration – one that involves emotional, spiritual, and financial reparations to descendants of slavery, America’s Original Sin. The time is now – and accomplishing this will truly make July 4th a day of … Continue reading The United States of Reparations