Our ministers have time off in the summer, so the worship team organizes guest and lay leaders for worship in the summer. “Lay leaders” — that’s YOU, members of the congregation!
After several years working with the theme of arts in the summer, the worship team has chosen a new theme: “Passion, Compassion, Community.” We are really excited about it, and we hope you will be too!
What are your passions? How do you demonstrate your compassion in the world? And how have you worked to build community?
Would you like an example of how your answers to these questions might be a good source for a worship service? Here’s one example: John Barstow has worked with The Vermont Folklife Center (now called Vermont Folklife) for several years. He brings passion to his work, the organization has compassion for folks who practice traditional skills (both native to Vermont and brought here by immigrants), and the organization definitely sees building community as its mission. For John it’s spiritually rewarding to engage in this work, and he will help us see these connections in a worship service this summer.
Are you intrigued? If any one of these ideas — passion, compassion, or community — ignites your imagination, let’s talk! Start by reaching out to Abi Sessions, worship team chair, (abi.sessions@gmail.com) or any other member of the worship team you’ve seen acting as worship associate.
Summer worship has its own wonderful vibe and you can part of making it happen!!