Speaker: Rev. Tricia Hart

Waiting – Dec. 3, 2023

ON SITE & ZOOM. Advent is a season of waiting, and of mystery. Rev. Tricia will talk about the power of curiosity and imagination as we wait. Poppy, our Dir. of Religious Exploration, and our kids will decorate our holiday tree, along with all of you! There will be ornaments and ribbons for making Memory … Continue reading Waiting – Dec. 3, 2023

Living Community: Why We’re Here (Part 2) – Oct. 22, 2023

What is it about our Unitarian Universalist principles and values that make UUism a religion, hold us together, and point us in the right direction?  Some thoughts on where we’ve come from, and why each of us is essential. Led by Rev. Tricia Hart. We’ll share our plate with ACORN Network in support of their … Continue reading Living Community: Why We’re Here (Part 2) – Oct. 22, 2023

Our Changing Story: Why We’re Here (Part 1) – Oct. 1, 2023

Religions may focus on “eternal truths” – but religion throughout human history has never stopped changing. Which leads us to where we are today, in the tumultuous times of this 21st century. Rev. Tricia Hart offered the briefest glimpse of how religious ideas have evolved in Western culture, how we Unitarian Universalists fit in, and … Continue reading Our Changing Story: Why We’re Here (Part 1) – Oct. 1, 2023