Speaker: Jordan Young

Inclusion: What Are Congregations for, in These Times?

Our world is changing fast. Events happening around us often feel scary, confusing, even threatening. Given this context, how can religious communities help? What roles might Unitarian Universalism play – for adults, children and families, and in our communities? With Rev. Tricia and Abi Sessions and Jordan Young. February’s Share the Plate donee is the … Continue reading Inclusion: What Are Congregations for, in These Times?

Foster “Care” Sunday

ON SITE & ZOOM.  When it comes to creating a multicultural “community of communities,” we don’t often think about families in the foster care system. When it comes to understanding the needs of the marginalized, we don’t often consider the needs of kids who lose their birth families and homes because of abuse or neglect and … Continue reading Foster “Care” Sunday

Immigrants’ Perspective – Sept. 24, 2023

ON SITE & ZOOM. Our Unitarian Universalist values celebrate the plurality of diverse cultures and experiences, as we know we are all enriched by them.  Irena Pavlin, Avi Freund, and Jordan Young, assisted by Tom Morgan, led us in an exploration of the immigrant’s view of America. We share our offering plate with Resource VT … Continue reading Immigrants’ Perspective – Sept. 24, 2023

Living Your Truth Within a Meaningful Community: An LGBTQ+ Inclusive Service (Jan. 5, 2020)

LGBTQIA+ members of the congregation reflected on their personal experiences, challenged us to meaningfully engage with what our individual orientations and gender identities mean within a community, and celebrated the power of truly embracing our differences. Dr. François S. Clemmons & Kate Gridley performed Down by the Riverside and John Barstow led us in singing We … Continue reading Living Your Truth Within a Meaningful Community: An LGBTQ+ Inclusive Service (Jan. 5, 2020)