Speaker: Hannah Sessions

The Mindfulness & Timelessness of Daily Sketching

ON SITE ONLY. NO ZOOM. “One of the great misconceptions about the artistic life is that it entails great swathes of aimlessness. The truth is that a creative life involves great swathes of attention. Attention is a way to connect and survive“- Julia Cameron from The Artists Way. Understanding that attention is a form of … Continue reading The Mindfulness & Timelessness of Daily Sketching

Spiritual Practice of Farming and Art Making

With Hannah Sessions, Blue Ledge Farm owner. Multi-access. Order of Service Preservice music  Bell  Recognition of Land Prelude Ronnie Romano Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Julia Chant, worship associate Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting:  Julia Chant Music: From All the Fret and Fever of the Day (Hymn # 90) From all the fret and fever of the … Continue reading Spiritual Practice of Farming and Art Making