Speaker: Rev. Barnaby Feder

Barnaby Feder is the settled minister at CVUUS. Before becoming a minister Barnaby worked for twenty-seven years as a reporter for the New York Times. Barnaby’s wife, Michele Lowy, is an elementary school teacher. They have three children, two sons and a daughter.

More about Rev. Barnaby

The Owl in the Christmas Tree

Online Rev. Barnaby reflected on how we create a new story out of a mystery. We’ll collect for our holiday staff bonus.   Zoom:  https://zoom.us/my/cvuusservice. Order of Service Preservice slideshow: Chuck Miller Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant Prelude: Chuck Miller Welcome & Pathways to Connection/Call to Worship: Wren Colwell, Worship Associate Chalice Lighting: Between … Continue reading The Owl in the Christmas Tree

Getting Ready for Joy

There are things we can anticipate and things we can’t. A meditation on Advent. We collected for Charter House. Order of Service Preservice slideshow: Chuck Miller Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant Prelude: Let There Be Light    Kate Gridley Welcome & Pathways to Connection/Call to Worship: Abi Sessions, Worship Associate Chalice Lighting: Rev. Barnaby … Continue reading Getting Ready for Joy

Silver Linings

The things we have unexpectedly been gifted by the pandemic challenge are piling up along with the challenges. Let’s celebrate them. New members welcomed. Led by Rev. Barnaby

The Future We Choose

Buddhism would say it is already here. Is that good news? Rev. Barnaby considered the wisdom of a line of poetry that reads “everything is fleeing toward its presence.”  DAYLIGHT SAVING time ends Nov 1. Set clocks back one hour. YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN6lkpxmWqk Order of Service Preservice slideshow: Chuck Miller Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land  … Continue reading The Future We Choose

Communal Forgiveness

In September, Rev. Barnaby reflected on how forgiveness needs to start with individuals. Now he looks at how justice requires group practices of forgiveness. Stay for a congregational conversation on zoom about new and creative ways we can make our CVUUS holiday celebrations meaningful this year.     Order of Service Preservice slideshow: Chuck Miller … Continue reading Communal Forgiveness

Blessing of the Animals

We blessed our animal companion(s) and remembered those we lost in a Milestones and Passages. Order of Service Preservice: Chuck Miller accompanied by animal images Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant Prelude: Talk with the Animals   Kate Gridley Call to Worship/ Pathways to Connection: Esther Thomas, Worship Associate Chalice Lighting: Ollie Cultrara Honoring Children in … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals

Justice, Compassion, Beauty–the Three Sisters of Love

UU’s are deeply engaged in justice struggles, which is one reason we mourned the passing this year of Cong. John Lewis. But what it you are too shy, quiet, sick, or exhausted to look for “good trouble” as he advised? Rev. Barnaby reflected on other paths to embodying Love. Order of Service Preservice: Chuck Miller … Continue reading Justice, Compassion, Beauty–the Three Sisters of Love

Lessons in Forgiving

Rev. Barnaby reflected on the spiritual power of adapting an ancient Jewish New Year’s tradition to today’s circumstances. YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Tg_-45yJFJ8 Order of Service Preservice: Chuck Miller accompanied by fall garden images Bell: Julia Chant Prelude: Chuck Miller Welcome/ Pathways to Connection: Becky Strum & Julia Chant, Worship Associates Call to Worship: On Turning by … Continue reading Lessons in Forgiving