Speaker: Rev. Barnaby Feder

Barnaby Feder is the settled minister at CVUUS. Before becoming a minister Barnaby worked for twenty-seven years as a reporter for the New York Times. Barnaby’s wife, Michele Lowy, is an elementary school teacher. They have three children, two sons and a daughter.

More about Rev. Barnaby

Getting Started When the End Is Near

Rev. Barnaby reflected on how part of the ending of the pandemic must be working together now on creating the better world we want to inherit. Ethan Spritzer played our piano and Francois Clemmons told us what CVUUS means to him as part of our Pledge Drive. We collected for Abenaki Helping Abenaki.

One Year On

What we’ve loved, lost, and learned in the year of remote worship that began March 15, 2020. Led by Rev. Barnaby and featuring Vera Longtoe Sheehan, director of the Vermont Abenaki Artists Assn., and Karl Lindholm chatting with daughter Jane of Vermont Public Radio. Followed by a congregational conversation on our wishes for future worship … Continue reading One Year On

Bound for Joy

Our stewardship service and spring pledge drive kick-off. Philia the Owl wants to pledge, maybe, but has a few questions about whether giving us a field mouse will be enough. Led by Rev. Barnaby and canvass chairs Brett Millier and Karl Lindholm. We collected for Vermont Abenaki Artists Association.

Good Intentions

Everyone suffers from disconnects between their intentions and the impact of their actions. Rev. Barnaby looked at the hazards of generosity and how to avoid them. Special music from Shannon LaRose on banjo. Followed by congregational conversation on classism. We collected for DRUUMM.

Generosity of Spirit

Rev. Barnaby reflected on how generosity of spirit is vital to the when and how of gaining freedom. Special music drawn from the culture of Madagascar from Nau Nau. Poppy sang one of our most beautiful hymns. We collected for Church of the Larger Fellowship.

Unknowable Neighbors

Rev. Barnaby reflected on the apparent bind we are in with the commandment to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”  Our “5th Sunday” collection was for Southern Poverty Law Center Hate and Extremism Project. Order of Service Preservice slideshow: CVUUS 35th Anniversary slide show Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant Prelude: Love Will Come by … Continue reading Unknowable Neighbors

First Things First

Rev. Barnaby offered the Inaugural Address he wished President Biden would give. Service was followed by a Congregational Conversation on Adult Religious Exploration (RE) during zoom coffee hour.

The Future of Intimacy

Sex robots, virtual reality, and other technologies promise huge benefits for individuals unhappy with their sex lives, or just curious to explore. Rev. Barnaby reflected on how pursuit of breakthroughs in individual sexual fulfillment could drastically redefine what it means to be human and our understanding of social obligations. But Love calls us to recognize … Continue reading The Future of Intimacy

Christmas Eve Sundown Service

Rev. Barnaby’s homily looked at main themes from pre-Covid Christmases and ask what comes next; lots of special music. Access the live service on Zoom by clicking on https://www.zoom.us/my/cvuusservice at 5:30 pm on the 24th. or watch on YouTube, same time Order of Service Welcome   Rev. Barnaby Feder Musical Prelude     Luke 2:1-7, read by Kate … Continue reading Christmas Eve Sundown Service