Speaker: Rev. Barnaby Feder

Barnaby Feder is the settled minister at CVUUS. Before becoming a minister Barnaby worked for twenty-seven years as a reporter for the New York Times. Barnaby’s wife, Michele Lowy, is an elementary school teacher. They have three children, two sons and a daughter.

More about Rev. Barnaby

Fumbling in the Dark

Thoughts about when accepting each other gets in the way of spiritual growth. Prelude           Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming         Kate Gridley, Janie Wulff Chalice Lighting            As the Cold Wind Bites by Ben Soule (adapt. Rev. Barnaby Feder) As the wild wind bites, this flame warms us. As the crackling cold air stops our breath, … Continue reading Fumbling in the Dark

How We Are Called

Rev. Barnaby explored whether something more than conscience is calling on our better angels. Margie Bekoff on harp and Jim Morse on trumpet provided special music including the prelude Let There be Peace on Earth. They were joined by Kate Gridley for Allelujah for the offering which was dedicated to a holiday appreciation fund for … Continue reading How We Are Called

Why Wait?

Rev. Barnaby wondered whether patience is an underrated spiritual discipline. Jason Duquette-Hoffman read Leveling Up by Rev Karen Johnston and Esther Thomas read The Work of Christmas by Rev Howard Thurman. Radical Love and Alternative Giving continued.

Rough Weather Ahead

Rev. Barnaby looked at how our Second Principle affirming justice, equity, and compassion in human relations is challenged by climate change. Karl Lindholm read The Great Barrier by Barbara Kingslover and Religion Rejuvenates Environmentalism by Courtney Woo Many stayed after worship for our Radical Love Party.

Through the Years

Rev. Barnaby reflected on how justice, equity, and compassion take on new dimensions for us as we age. Worship was followed by a Congregational Conversation on Emergency Procedures led by our Safe Congregation Team about prioritizing where we put our safety emphasis. Also attendees were able to preview our Radical Love Service Giveaway and Auction … Continue reading Through the Years

Us and Them

When we are not our best selves, affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every person gets harder. But we are almost never the whole problem. Led by Rev. Barnaby. The congregation was led in a sing-along of Dunk Down by MaMuse Jason Duquette-Hoffman read Humans in God’s Image (passages from the Bible) and “Modern … Continue reading Us and Them

An Elusive Truth

Rev. Barnaby reflected on how many principles UU’s really claim to affirm and promote and what this pretending in seven says about us. Marnie Wood offered a testimony about how she was led to Flower Co-op service. Karl Lindholm and Wren Colwell read  Who Says Unitarian Universalism’s Principles Are Easy? (excerpt) by Rev. Meg Barnhouse and … Continue reading An Elusive Truth

Trading Commandments for Principles: A UU Creation Story

What does a faith community do with no God to order it around? Listen to Rev. Barnaby’s response. We also welcomed new baby Rory Larkin Timmons into our congregation, heard from Conservation Law Foundation’s Director Jen Duggan, sang I Stand for Love by David Roth, and listened to two special readings.    

A Time to Gather

The Bible talks of gathering stones, but this was our time to gather water, our principles and our souls in community — a joyful time for all ages to celebrate the new church year! Our CVUUS Choir, led by Choir Director Lucy Tenenbaum, called us to worship with Enter, Rejoice, and Come In         And … Continue reading A Time to Gather