Speaker: Rev. Barnaby Feder

Barnaby Feder is the settled minister at CVUUS. Before becoming a minister Barnaby worked for twenty-seven years as a reporter for the New York Times. Barnaby’s wife, Michele Lowy, is an elementary school teacher. They have three children, two sons and a daughter.

More about Rev. Barnaby

All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Online Choir

Rev. Barnaby create an online-only service featuring lots of CVUUS kids and families, in place of the usual kids-led service. Order of Service Prelude: Chuck Miller Come Wash Your Hands: The Singhs Welcome & Pathways: Poppy Rees, Director of Religious Exploration Call to Worship: Poppy Rees Chalice Lighting: Wren Colwell Time for All Ages: Milo … Continue reading All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Online Choir

Doubling Down on Justice

Rev. Barnaby explored the Covid-19 pandemic’s challenge to our ongoing UU calling to make the world more just. Order of Service The Sixth Principle: Doubling Down on Justice Prelude – Chuck Miller Welcome – Karl Lindholm Pathways to Healthy Connection – Rev. Barnaby Feder Musical Call to Worship: “Come Wash Your Hands With Me” – … Continue reading Doubling Down on Justice

United As One

Our stewardship service and spring pledge drive kick-off. Rev. Barnaby’s United As One sermon: Followed right afterward by the CVUUS CommUUion, our Jesus-inspired ritual celebrating all prophets known and unknown with an Earth-centered twist. This unique time of peace, reflection and shared gratitude lasts about 15 minutes. Readings: Hebrews 10:23-25. Scholars believe Hebrews records advice … Continue reading United As One

Democracy Stumbles

Rev. Barnaby reflected on how Unitarian Universalism’s professed devotion to democracy is not faring well in our thoroughly distracted and neurotic society. How important is defense of this part of our faith? Readings: Excerpts from the Economist Intelligence Unit’s report on its 2019 Democracy Index (www.eiu.com/n/global-democracy-in-retreat/); Excerpt from The Democacy Principle by Rev. Jill Cowie … Continue reading Democracy Stumbles

“I Can’t Be Having That”

Those words are associated with Granny Weatherwax, the late British fantasy writer Terry Pratchett’s beguiling witch who relies more on psychology than spells. Though often only a minor character in Pratchett’s stories, Granny Weatherwax tends to make sure right triumphs. Rev. Barnaby examined the connection between witchcraft and the UU affirmation of the right to … Continue reading “I Can’t Be Having That”

2020 Hindsight

Lessons from Y2K. Led by Rev. Barnaby Caitlin Gildrien shared a testimony about her writing as spiritual practice:

What Would Martin Do?

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have turned 91 this Jan. 15 had he not been murdered in 1968. How would he want us to remember and honor him in this age of Trump? Led by Rev. Barnaby followed by our congregational conversation: White Privilege, White Supremacy, and Us. Testimonial: My Legacy of … Continue reading What Would Martin Do?

Traditional UU Christmas Service

Rev. Barnaby reflected on the intersection of hope, faith, courage, and compassion led by Rev. Barnaby. Readings and carol singing. Special music by our CVUUS choir, our bell choir, Chris Foster on trumpet, Janie Wulff on flute and Richard Hopkins on bassoon.