Beloved Community

Rev. Christina Sillari returns to our pulpit as guest worship leader. She and Rev. Barnaby exchanged pulpits in Fall 2019. “Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.” Bell Hooks  Watch a recording of the service here.

Order of Service

Entire service indoors (please mask AND distance).

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude Music:  Ronnie Romano, Music Dir

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Jason Duquette-Hoffman, Worship Associate

Call to Worship: Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Chalice Lighting: Rev. Christina Sillari & Jason Duquette-Hoffman

With humility and courage born of our history,

we are called as Unitarian Universalists

to build the Beloved Community

where all souls are welcome as blessings,

and the human family lives whole and reconciled.

With this vision in our hearts and minds, we light our chalice.

Reading for All Ages: Choose to Bless the World by Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker

read by Rev. Christina

Music for All Ages: Spirit of Life (Gray #123)   Ronnie Romano

Offering: Jason Duquette-Hoffman. Our donee is Honor the Earth. Contributions can be made as

Milestones & Passages: Jason Duquette-Hoffman. Those on zoom may enter theirs in chat. Future ones can be shared at

Prayer/Meditation: Rev. Christina Sillari

Music:  When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place (Teal #1008)   CVUUS Choir

Sermon: What Is the “Beloved” Community & How Do We Create It? Rev. Christina Sillari

Music:  We Would Be One (Gray #318)  CVUUS Choir

Benediction: Rev. Christina Sillari

Postlude: Ronnie Romano

Credits:  Thanks to our worship associate Jason Duquette-Hoffman; our choir;  Margy & Jordan Young, Alan Moore, Mary Hadley, Rich Wolfson and Abi Sessions for technical support; Chris Murphy for fall arrangements; and all who helped set up, usher, greet and provide hospitality.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

