The Art of Being Mindful of the Natural World

Led by Liam Battjes Greenwood infused with Braided Sweetgrass reflections from Native Moons group members. View the archived service here:


Order of Service

Preservice Music:   Walking Trails     Liam Battjes-Greenwood

Bell: Recognition of Land & the Words before All Others   Anne Christie

Prelude   What a Wonderful World (Lyrics inspired by Braiding Sweetgrass)            Liam Battjes-Greenwood  & Carol Harden

I give thanks to all the plants and trees,

The maple wood and strawberries,

and I think to myself, “What a wonderful world.”

I thank Mother Earth for all these things:

cattails by the pond, sweetgrass as it sings,

and I think to myself, “What a wonderful world.”

The gift of bee and flower, the lichen on a stone,

Teach us to work together, and not to act alone,

Ev’ry fin, paw or wing, is our kin, family.

I hear them sayin’, “Live with me.”

Ev’ry baby born, can watch and grow,

And learn from the earth all they’ll need to know,

‘Til they think to themselves, “What a wonderful world.”

And I think to myself, “What a wonderful world.”

Welcome and Pathways to Connection        Liam Battjes-Greenwood

Chalice Lighting          Being Braided Together              Mary Saudade

In some ways, like the original Skywoman, we have fallen into this place.

In many ways, like Skywoman, we have been supported by the many gifts of the world around us — water, earth, turtle island, creatures and plants.

In some ways, our lives as humans, animals and plants are braided together and inseparable, interrelated and interdependent.

In some ways, when humans braid sweetgrass we are acknowledging this —

“We are braiding the hair of Mother Earth, showing her our loving attention,  our care for her beauty and well-being, in gratitude for all she has given us.”

During this time together, may we braid together our thoughts and intentions

and grow in our appreciation of our relations within the Real World.

We light this chalice in thanksgiving for Brother Sun shining upon

all the children of Mother Earth — the Plants, the Animals and the People.

Music            Mother Earth, Beloved Garden (Teal # 1067)   

Time for All Ages      Strawberries Are a Gift      Lise Anderson

Offering                                          Jean Terwilliger & Mike Greenwood

Today’s offering will be RIP Medical Debt. Contributions can be made at

Milestones & Passages    Correcting Carlisle by Putting Down Roots              Liam Battjes-Greenwood

Moment for Meditation        Silver Lake                                          

Three Readings and Reflections      

Ask Questions and Wonder:  Goldenrod and Asters   

Dee Carroll & Friend

Immerse Yourself in Learning:  Eating Cattails

Carol Harden & Alan Moore

The Sacred and the Superfund:   Restoring Relationships   

Helene & Larry Vanderburgh

Departing Blessing  Earth Prayers (from the U.N. Environmental Sabbath Program)  Helene & Larry Vanderburgh

We join with the earth and each other

To bring new life to the land

To restore the waters

To refresh the air

We join with the earth and each other

To renew the forest

To care for the plants

To protect the creatures.

We join with the earth and each other

To celebrate the seas

To rejoice in the sunlight

To sing the songs of the stars.

We join with the earth and each other

To recreate human community

To promote justice and peace

To remember our children.

We join together as many and diverse expressions of One loving mystery:

for the healing of the earth and the renewal of all life.

Thanks to our incredible “Stream Team” Rich Wolfson and Richard Hopkins; Native Moons Group members for their participation; and Abi Sessions for managing the Zoom room. See more about honoring Indigenous People and joining the Native Moons Group here.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

