Raising Whole Kids Through Music

Live and varied instrumental music from Glendon Ingalls and Bear Irwin, including with students, Amanda Kearns and Caleb Benz.

Our guests Glendon Ingalls and Bear Irwin, lifelong music educators and performers, were referred to us by Anne Severy, former longtime MUHS band teacher. Anne sends her regrets in not being able to join us for this service, as previously planned. We are excited to welcome back to our sanctuary Glendon and Bear, who have performed jazz with Chuck Miller and others in our worship services over the years.

Order of Service

Preservice music (online only)

Prelude: Glendon Ingalls and Bear Irwin

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Martha Fulda, worship associate

Call to Worship:  Psalm 98   Martha Fulda

Chalice Lighting:   Martha Fulda with words by Marnie Singer

The chalice is the container—
the space where the musicians and the listeners gather.

The oil is the fuel—
the hours of practice and the life experiences of everyone in the room.

The wick is the instruments and vocal cords
through which the music will flow.

And the flame—the flame!—
is the music which is created, as if by magic,
when the instruments are lifted,
the breath is inhaled,
and the downbeat is nodded.

May this flame ignite the music within us all!

Time for All Ages:  Middlebury Community Music Center Jazz Camp participants (video)

Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with our summer donee RIP Medical Debt. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Milestones & Passages: Martha Fulda. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Prayer & Meditation:   Martha Fulda, piano by Caleb Benz

Music:  Musicians (4) Glendon, Bear, Amanda & Caleb

Reflections and Musical Selections: Amanda Kearns & Caleb Benz

Music: Musicians (4) Glendon, Bear, Amanda & Caleb

Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice:  Martha Fulda with words by Pete Seeger

Postlude: Musicians (4) Glendon, Bear, Amanda & Caleb


Thanks to music educators Glendon Ingalls and Bear Irwin and music students Amanda Kearns and Caleb Benz for sharing their reflections and music, our stream team Rich Wolfson and Margy Young, and Margy Young for hosting zoom and Dinah Smith for overseeing flowers.

Bear Irwin is the longtime manager of the Vermont Ensemble, and taught instrumental music in a variety of Vermont schools for many years.  He performs with many groups including The Vermont Jazz Ensemble, Satin and Steel, The Doughboys, Jazz Essentials Quartet, and the Vermont Symphony Orchestra affiliated Brass Trio Fanfare.  He presently teaches lessons at the Middlebury Community Music Center, Jazz in the Mountains Music Camp, and Middlebury College.

Glendon Ingalls had a long career as an instrumental music teacher in several Vermont schools.  Ensembles that he presently performs with include Fanfare Brass Trio, The Red Clover Jazz Trio, Joey Leone’s Chop Shop, the Onion River Jazz Band, the ii-V-i Trio, The Doughboys, and others.  Current teaching appointments are at Middlebury Community Music Center, Middlebury College, and Castleton University.  He is a co-founder of Jazz in the Mountains Music Camp https://www.jazzinthemountains.com/

