Parenting in a Pandemic


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Prelude: For Children by Bela Bartok  Piano and visuals Kate Gridley

Come Wash Your Hands with the Singhs

Welcome and Pathways to Connection: Becky Strum, Worship Associate

Call to Worship Surrender to This Life by Gretchen Haley

Chalice Lighting  Across the Distance by Laura Thompson

Across the distance, the light from within me shines, sending love to all

Across the distance, your light is fuel that warms me

and helps to keep my own light burning

Together, we keep the flame of community burning bright

Time for All Ages: Noisy Nora by Rosemary Wells, read by Michele Lowy

Honoring the Children in Song: Let Us Open Our Eyes   Poppy Rees, dir. Religious Exploration

Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with the Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC). Contributions can be made at

Milestones and Passages: Rev. Barnaby Feder. Future ones can be shared at


Music: For Children by Bela Bartok   Piano Kate Gridley  Visual montage of CVUUS children in quarantine

Theme Part 1: Breaking Points  Harrington family (video)

Theme Part 2: Safety Nets  Becky Strum (video)

Theme Part 3: New Blessings  Rev. Barnaby

Theme Part 4: Wisdom and Encouragement: 17 Tell Me the Story About the Virus (video)

Music: Piano and Grandparents montage Kate Gridley

Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Sleep My Child  sung by Kate Gridley and Margy Young

Thank you for joining us for worship!

Follow us on Facebook CVUUSVT for future updates on our Sunday morning worship services.  Sign up for our e-weekly blast news at Request a virtual visit with Rev. Barnaby at Thanks to our “Stream Team” Margy & Jordan Young and Richard Hopkins