Runaway Polarization

Rev. Barnaby reflected on the most dangerous social change in our lifetimes and what UU values call us to do in response. We shared our offering with the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship. CLF serves over 3,500 UU’s all over the world with a special focus on those who aren’t near congregations or are incarcerated. What brings CLF members together is the desire to connect, seek, share and grow within Unitarian Universalism. Look for CLF’s monthly magazine, The Quest, in our lobby (coat rack area) or visit Our service is followed by CVUUS Zoom Social Hour. Watch a recording of the service here.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude:  Ronnie Romano, Director of Music

Welcome:  Abi Sessions, Worship Associate

Call to Worship: Abi Sessions

Chalice Lighting: Abi Sessions

Hymn: Gather the Spirit  #347 Ronnie Romano

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering:  We collected for Church of the Larger Fellowship. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby


Music:  When We Are Gathered #359  Ronnie Romano

Readings: Abi Sessions

Sermon: Runaway Polarization   Rev. Barnaby

Hymn: Once to Every Soul and Nation # 119  Ronnie Romano

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:   Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to Abi Sessions our worship associate and Mary Hadley and Rich Wolfson for technical support.

Thank you for joining us for worship!