Judaism’s High Holy Days

The first step toward forgiveness is knowing whose lives you touch. Led by Rev. Barnaby. Special music by Middlebury Havurah’s Sarit Katzew. Began outside (first half), then finished inside (second half).  Children of all ages welcomed. Middlebury’s Havurah and Middlebury College families honored high holy days of the Jewish tradition in hybrid services Sept 6-16 in our Sanctuary.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement             Rev. Barnaby

Music:  Come, Come Whoever You Are    CVUUS Choir led by Ronnie Romano, Music Dir.

Welcome & Pathways to Connection      Becky Strum, Worship Associate

Call to Worship (Responsive Reading)    Becky Strum

A Place to Forgive and to Be Forgiven by Cathy Cartwright-Chow

For those we have hurt in any way, whether through words or deed or thoughts. Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For the excuses we have made, just to be right.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For the blame we have placed on someone else, again and again. Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For passing up the opportunity to help because we were afraid.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For hiding the truth from someone.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For working beyond the anger and resentment.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

For the times I have not felt heard.
Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

Forgiveness is never easy, whether for yourself or someone else. Here is a place to forgive and to be forgiven.

Chalice Lighting by Vanessa Southern     Becky Strum

We light our chalice, symbol of our faith,
For truth, sought through a questioning heart and an attentive mind;
And for love, pursued through obstacles inside and outside our own human heart;
And for forgiveness, and all it entails—
The place where truth and love meet and merge.

Honoring the Children in Song        Let Us Open Our Eyes         Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Time for All Ages  Going to Seattle by Mattie Feder    Becky Strum & Rev. Barnaby Feder

Milestones & Passages: Liz Marino (on porch). Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Intro to Meditation: Rev. Barnaby (congregants proceed inside to sanctuary)

Music   Tovo L’ Fonecho    Middlebury Havurah’s Sarit Katzew

Offering        Rev. Barnaby     Our donee for the month of September is Vital Voices Global Partnership. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Reading   Becky Strum

Sermon     Rev. Barnaby

Music  Sh’ma Kolenu    Sarit Katzew

Benediction   Rev. Barnaby

Postlude  Ronnie Romano

Credits:  Thanks to Becky Strum our worship associate, CVUUS Choir and Middlebury Havurah’s Sarit Katzew for special music, Liz Marino for doing our milestones, Margy Young, Sherman LaRose, Rich Wolfson and Abi Sessions for technical support, Marnie Wood for flowers, and Neil Chippendale for hosting zoom.

