ON SITE & ZOOM. Traditional and new readings that evoke the spirit of the season – plus carols to sing together led by our choir accompanied by guest musicians! Ends with traditional lighting of candles and singing of Silent Night. Led by Rev. Tricia Hart with Karl Lindholm. We’ll share our offering plate with our CVUUS Discretionary Fund dispersed to our neighbors in need with guidance from HOPE.
Video recording available at
Gathering Music Jennifer Cohen, guest musicians
First Lesson The Inn at the End of the World by G. K. Chesterton
Rev. Patricia Hart & Rev. Peter Newport
Welcome Karl Lindholm
Chalice Lighting
*Carol #253 O Come All Ye Faithful (verses 1, 1 & 3)
Second Lesson 19th Surah of the Q’uran; Magnificat of Mary
*Carol #241 In the Bleak Midwinter (verses 1 & 3)
Third Lesson Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2 (1-19)
*Carol #246 O Little Town of Bethlehem (verses 1 & 3)
Fourth Lesson Everyone Searches for Bethlehem by Tom Schade
Anthem Fum Fum Fantasy Choir
Fifth Lesson Gifts by Anonymous & James Curtis
Offering Sharing with CVUUS Discretionary Fund
Offertory God Rest Ye Merry arr. Pam Wedgwood
*Hymn #402 From You I Receive
Sixth Lesson Listening for the Bells
*Carol #240 I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (verses 1, 3, 4, 5)
Seventh Lesson Perhaps It Will Happen this Way by Rebecca Parker
*Carol #251 Silent Night
Eighth Lesson The Work of Christmas by Howard Thurman
Worship Leaders: Rev. Tricia Hart & Rev. Peter Newport; Karl Lindholm, Worship Associate; Jennifer Cohen, Music Director; Guest Musicians: Heather Munch and Carol Harden, violin; Barry Cohen, bassoon; Lena Cohen, trumpet.