Change through Theater

IN OUR SANCTUARY & ON ZOOM. Theatre at its best is a collective, spiritual experience. It is church for the heart and mind. It helps us form opinions and gain insight into the lives of our fellow humans. Becky Strum was joined by Melissa Lourie, Middlebury Acting Company’s Artist Director and actors Karen Lefkoe and Kimmy Gordon (cast of the up-coming MACo production of The Niceties) to reflect upon the potential transformative power of theatre. Watch a recording of the service here.

The Niceties, by Eleanor Burgess, is an explosive play about an elite East Coast university, an ambitious young black student and her esteemed white professor who meet to discuss a paper the college junior is writing about the American Revolution. They’re both liberal. They’re both women. They’re both brilliant. But very quickly, discussions of grammar and Google turn to race and reputation, and before they know it, they’re in dangerous territory neither of them had foreseen – and facing stunning implications that can’t be undone. It will be shown at Town Hall Theater April 28-30 and May 1.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement  Karl Lindholm

Welcome and Pathways to Connection: Karl Lindholm

Canvass Update

Prelude: Ronnie Romano, Music Dir.

Call to Worship: Karl Lindholm

Chalice Lighting: Becky Strum & Karl Lindholm

May the light we now kindle

inspire us to use our powers

to heal and not to harm

to help and not to hinder

to bless and not to curse

to serve, you Spirit of freedom.

Hymn: We’ll Build a Land (Gray #121)  Ronnie Romano, Music Dir.

Time for All Ages: My Night in the Planetarium (by Innosanto Nagara)  Becky Strum

Offering:  We’ll share our collection today and this month with Living Lands and Waters . All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Offering Music:  Ronnie Romano

Receiving the Offering From You I Receive (Gray #402)

Milestones & Passages:  Karl Lindholm

Meditation: Karl Lindholm

Anthem:   Some Day (From The Hunchback of Notre Dame)   CVUUS Choir

Reflection: Change through Theater  Becky Strum

Performance: The Niceties (selected scene)

Hymn: We Are a Gentle Angry People (Gray #170)  CVUUS Choir

Closing Words:  Becky Strum

Postlude: Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to Becky Strum for leading worship along with our special guests Melissa Lourie, Karen Lefkoe and Kimmy Gordon; our choir; Abi Sessions, Rich Wolfson, Margy Young and others for technical support; our Flower Co-op for seasonal arrangements; Avi Freund and all who helped set up, usher, and greet; Alan Moore and Mike Greenwood for overseeing safety, sound and coffee hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

Join Us for Our Social Hour

Join us during social hour immediately following the worship service. Those onsite can gather in Fellowship Hall and those online will gather on Zoom at about 11 am:

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