Blessing of the Animals

We blessed our animal companion(s) and remembered those we lost in a Milestones and Passages.

Order of Service

Preservice: Chuck Miller accompanied by animal images

Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant

Prelude: Talk with the Animals   Kate Gridley

Call to Worship/ Pathways to Connection: Esther Thomas, Worship Associate

Chalice Lighting: Ollie Cultrara

Honoring Children in Song: Let Us Open Our Eyes

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees

Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with Vermont Foodbank. Contributions can be made at

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby Feder with Esther Thomas on pet memorials. Future ones can be shared at

Prayer & Meditation 

Reading: Esther Thomas

Homily:  Rev. Barnaby, with slideshow of animals

Blessing: Rev. Barnaby and Kate Gridley

Postlude: Kate Gridley, with Poppy Rees singing All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir

Thanks to our “Stream Team” Margy Young and Rich Wolfson and Jordan Young for leading zoom coffee hour.