Radical Love Extended with Monthly Game Night


These words from a recent anthem show how we share ourselves and strengthen the bonds of our CVUUS community.

Thanks to all who joined us for our annual Rad Love Exchange in which everyone was able to participate. The success, fun and amazing ways in which we build community throughout the year happens beautifully through the inventive events and offerings that are made by members and friends of our congregation.

Each year we become impressed once again by the various delicious dinners, the walks, the joys of coming together in fun ways that help us know each other better. During the month of October, we sought your ideas for this year’s pleasures and treasures and you delivered beautifully and in abundance. In early November we had a celebration lunch and drew winners. The winners of a game night offered by the Greenwoods proved so popular that it inspired a monthly CVUUS Game Night on the 3rd Friday of the month with dinner at 6 and games following to which anyone and their guests can come. Please come to the one on Feb 21. May radical love continue to spread.

The Rad Love Exchange Team:
Mike Greenwood, Marnie Wood,
Mary Hadley, Andrea Sambrook,
Kimberli Gray and Liam Battjes-Greenwood



Link to online catalog of items offered: Rad Love Catalog of Offerings

Link to What Did I Win: List sorted by Winner

Link to Who Won What: List sorted by Item

What is the Radical (Rad) Love Exchange?

The Radical (RAD) Love Exchange grew out of a 2016 workshop on classism. One realization we had at the workshop was that our traditional auction, as fun as it was, was based on an economic scale that catered to those who bid high, paid the most, and walked away with the item. We decided that was as classist as you can get! Since then, we have changed how we define an auction. There still is this tension, wanting every pledge family to have equal access to any item they want and the fact that this is our one planned internal fundraiser.

With the RAD Love Exchange we live into our song, “From you I receive, to you I give” and we give of our finances, creativity, and time to support our CVUUS Community. The radical part is this – people give what they can, but everybody has an equal chance of receiving. Individuals or families who are not able to make a financial contribution have a seat at the table. They could still “win” a donated dinner, a place in a social outing, or an oil painting. Though our intent is to raise money, at its heart the Rad Love Exchange is about celebrating our colorful CVUUS community.

What should we do?

Determine what can you offer that will invite others to join you in a multi-generational fun activity.  Or consider a common interest can you offer (holiday cookies? a sledding event? an Italian dinner for 5?) that will unite people in a fun, friendly community.

What about the fundraising?

If you are able, it was our hope that when you receive your Radical Love Exchange tickets, you could also consider donating 10% of your CVUUS pledge, $100 or $10 or another amount.

Link to online fundraising donation: Donate Funds
How do we bid?

Each pledge unit received 10 tickets, and you could pick them up starting Sunday, October 27 through Nov 7. With your tickets, you could select any items you want to take a chance on. It could be a family event like a guided TAM walk, a pizza and game night, freshly baked bread, maple-flavored granola, a gift card to Green Haven, or some hours of tech help. Items to “bid” on were displayed in the Fellowship Hall beginning Sunday, October 27. Not able to bid your tickets in person, online ticket bidding was offered: (coming mid-October)

In addition to the items available to everyone, there were books authored by our congregants on display (so many of you!) in a special Silent Auction. These items went to the highest bidder.

When did we win?

On Sunday November 10, we had a Radical Love Luncheon with soup, salad, and dessert. We drew names, connect people, announce winners, enjoy some music, and celebrate being