Podcast: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

Trans Is Sacred

Led by Liam Battjes Greenwood. We celebrated the International Transgender Day of Visibility, often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility. TDOV is an annual worldwide event celebrated on March 31st. We were joined by Elio Farley, leader at the Teen Center, LGBTQ activist and Middlebury College Education Student, Adia O’Brien, a Middlebury … Continue reading Trans Is Sacred

Normal Is Different

Rev. Barnaby explored the spiritual challenges of lovingly engaging and preparing our children for the perfectly natural extremes we encounter in human bodies, behaviors, and feelings. Affirmations of supporting diversity mean nothing if we can’t get better at applying them to ourselves and the small percentage of humanity we actually meet face to face. Dr. … Continue reading Normal Is Different

Dear Diary

Rev. Barnaby’s most personal thoughts about Stewardship. Followed by CVUUS Climate Engagement “Ask Me…” networking during social hour about heat pumps and other carbon-reducing home improvements. See details of the service here: OOS March 12, 2023 Watch a recording of the service here:

Art History Lesson

Kate Gridley and John Barstow returned to the pulpit for next words on our Standing on the Threshold of Change Canvass Pledge efforts. As part of it, they told the amazing story of how CVUUS created our choir stoles. The choir rocked out with the House Band, under Ronnie’s direction — and there were other … Continue reading Art History Lesson

Questions & Callings

As Black History Month comes to a close, Tom Morgan and Esther Charlestin invite the congregation to consider how simple questions can lead to opportunities for generative change. They are preparing us for our Congregational vote after worship on March 5 on a proposed covenant from our CVUUS Board. It is based on language from … Continue reading Questions & Callings

Falling Through Air

What gifts might we receive when we’re willing to be transformed? Rev. Lindasusan V. Ulrich (they/them) is a minister, writer, musician, and activist dedicated to a vision of radical inclusion, deep collaboration, and courageous kindness. They were called in 2020 as the settled minister at the Unitarian Society of New Haven and identify as a … Continue reading Falling Through Air

Good Intentions

Rev. Barnaby explored the problem that Intentions, even good ones, start with “I”. That’s a huge problem in a world where white folks need to get better at recognizing racism’s impact on BIPoC folks if our nation is to make more progress in dismantling it. It’s a healthy reminder that good attention should precede good … Continue reading Good Intentions

Principles, Schminciples

Rev. Barnaby reflects on why people might see us as naive, nerdy, and nuts, and why we might want to say “Thank you!”. With Karl Lindholm assisting. Followed by social hour in the Ann Ross Fellowship Hall. See video of the service here: