Podcast: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

Flower Communion (All Ages)

ONSITE & ZOOM This annual UU ceremony celebrates the beauty that each person brings to our community. Bring a flower or two from anywhere, and if you forget come anyway. We’ve got you covered! Our Flower Buds, Alice Berninghausen and Dinah Smith, have built a communal vase as your flowers come in. We’blessed the flowers … Continue reading Flower Communion (All Ages)

The Mother of Ministry

To honor Mother’s Day, Rev. Barnaby looked back on the role his mother and others played in making him a minister, and invites all of us to do the same whether or not it’s your job title. Our choir sang Calling My Children Home. We share our offering this month with Have a Heart Community Food Shelf.  … Continue reading The Mother of Ministry

Intergenerational Classism

Liam Battjes-Greenwood helped us reflect on internalized and institutionalized classism.  We’share our offering this month with Have a Heart Community Food Shelf. See details of the service here: OOS May 7, 2023 Watch a recording of the service here:  

Everyone’s a New UU

ONSITE & ZOOM Instead of running our typical series of New UU classes this month for folks considering becoming members of CVUUS, Rev. Barnaby invited everyone to become a Born Again UU. Thanks to those who stayed for Blue Jeans Sunday. We’re sparkling! We shared our offering this 5th Sunday with the Vermont chapter of … Continue reading Everyone’s a New UU

Did You Say Something?

ONSITE & ZOOM There’s a new round of claims society is losing its ability to nurture conversation. Was Yogi Berra right that we can’t get a conversation going because everyone’s talking too much, or do we have a new problem? Followed by a special social hour in which we’ll learn from each other about climate … Continue reading Did You Say Something?

CVUUS as Garden

ONSITE & ZOOM What will we be planting this year? Led by Rev. Barnaby. Honoring Earth Day. We share our offering with Abenaki Helping Abenaki. After the service we had a Congregational Conversation where we shared in a non-judgmental setting our thoughts about how to live into our new covenant calling on us to dismantle … Continue reading CVUUS as Garden

Unwrapping Our Future

ONSITE & ZOOM Rev. Barnaby led some adventures in creating visions of the gifts that are ours to share if we take our new covenant and our history together to heart. This service culminated with Mud Communion. Ronnie and the Choir led us in a few of our favorite hymns. We share our offering this month … Continue reading Unwrapping Our Future