Podcast: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

An Elusive Truth

Rev. Barnaby reflected on how many principles UU’s really claim to affirm and promote and what this pretending in seven says about us. Marnie Wood offered a testimony about how she was led to Flower Co-op service. Karl Lindholm and Wren Colwell read  Who Says Unitarian Universalism’s Principles Are Easy? (excerpt) by Rev. Meg Barnhouse and … Continue reading An Elusive Truth

Trading Commandments for Principles: A UU Creation Story

What does a faith community do with no God to order it around? Listen to Rev. Barnaby’s response. We also welcomed new baby Rory Larkin Timmons into our congregation, heard from Conservation Law Foundation’s Director Jen Duggan, sang I Stand for Love by David Roth, and listened to two special readings.