Podcast: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

Embodied Hope

What if we could express our hopes for a sustainable relationship with Earth in how we decorate some holiday wreaths? Rev. Barnaby thinks we can so we gave it a try in our Sanctuary. We collected for Charter House Coalition. Watch a recording of the service here. Order of Service Bell: Land Acknowledgement Prelude: Ronnie … Continue reading Embodied Hope

”Savages”: A Thanksgiving Reflection

Rev. Barnaby looked back on this year’s Thanksgiving with a reflection inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s ironic use of this insult in his largely forgotten essay on Native American civility, which he saw as exemplary and deeply rooted in healthy communal relationships. Watch a recording of it here. Order of Service Entire service indoors (please mask … Continue reading ”Savages”: A Thanksgiving Reflection

From Courage to Resilience: Navigating These Challenging Times

With Rev. Christina Sillari. “If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but by all means keep moving.” The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Watch a recording of it posted here. Order of Service Entire service indoors (please mask AND distance). Bell: Land Acknowledgement Prelude … Continue reading From Courage to Resilience: Navigating These Challenging Times

Beloved Community

Rev. Christina Sillari returns to our pulpit as guest worship leader. She and Rev. Barnaby exchanged pulpits in Fall 2019. “Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the … Continue reading Beloved Community


Rev. Barnaby led us on a “Nature walk” looking for species of heroism we often don’t notice, with readings from our Hymnal as his guidebook. We collected for Honor the Earth as Share the Plate donee for Nov. Coffee hour followed in Fellowship Hall. View a recording of the service here. Order of Service Entire … Continue reading Heroes

All Souls’ Eve: Remembering Our Ancestors

In celebration of All Souls’ Eve, we shared stories of relatives who had a significant impact on our lives. Led by Karl Lindholm. Watch a recording here. Order of Service Entire service indoors (please mask AND distance). Bell: Land Acknowledgement Prelude Music: Great Pumpkin Waltz   Ronnie Romano, Music Dir Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Abi … Continue reading All Souls’ Eve: Remembering Our Ancestors

When Fall Comes to New England

Rev. Barnaby reflected on changes we love. We collected for Habitat for Humanity of Addison County. Order of Service Bell: Land Acknowledgement Music: Now Light Is Less  Ronnie Romano, Music Dir. Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Karl Lindholm, Worship Associate Call to Worship: Henry David Thoreau, from Autumnal Tints   Karl Lindholm Chalice Lighting: Karl Lindholm Here, today, … Continue reading When Fall Comes to New England

Spiritual Calling to Mongolia

Guest speaker Sas Carey of Nomadicare joined us. We collected for UUA Disaster Relief Fund. Sas’s film Transition was shown on Sat, Oct 2, the day before she led the service for us, as part of Middlebury College’s Hirschfield International Film Series.  Watch the recording of the service: Order of Service Bell: Land Acknowledgement Music: … Continue reading Spiritual Calling to Mongolia