Podcast: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny: UUA Worship Service

In our Sanctuary & on Zoom: Margy Young helped us watch a UUA worship service on our screen. We had hoped to show this year’s worship from the 2022 General Assembly but couldn’t since it aired 12:30 EST from Portland Oregon so put together this alternative that celebrates hallmarks of our UU theology. We experienced … Continue reading Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny: UUA Worship Service


In our Sanctuary (on site only, no Zoom). Led by Esther Charlestin with Joanna Colwell, Justice Elijah (NAACP of Rutland members), and Dr. Francois S. Clemmons. See here for Juneteenth’s history and here for CVUUS’ efforts to address racism. Followed by the option of hiking at Spirit in Nature up in Ripton with Mike Greenwood. … Continue reading Juneteenth

Flower Celebration: Resilience, Mutualism, Unity & Hope

Led by our Flower-Co-op (Dinah Smith, Alice Berninghausen, Bobbie Carnwath, Chris Murphy and honoring Marnie Wood as she recovers). We brought flowers to build our communal bouquet, heard reflections and wrote a flower haiku. We paid homage to Ukraine and its sunflowers and invited you to plant a seed to take home, along with a … Continue reading Flower Celebration: Resilience, Mutualism, Unity & Hope

A Choir Is a Beautiful Thing

Led by music director Ronnie Romano and members of the CVUUS Choir. We came ready to sing along with them! We enjoyed leftover ice cream from the Rhubarb Festival just before settling in for the annual meeting. We shared our offering plate with Addison County Community Trust (ACCT). Watch a recording of the service: Order … Continue reading A Choir Is a Beautiful Thing

Memorial Day Weekend Service

Karl Lindholm led us in reflections assisted by Abi Sessions.  With Chuck Miller on piano, Ted Scheu sharing a reflection and Francois Clemmons leading us in singing There Is a Balm in Gilead. We shared our offering with Razom for Ukraine designated by Diana Herasim, a Middlebury Union High School exchange student from Kherson. Her … Continue reading Memorial Day Weekend Service

What, Why and How God Is in Our Culture, Hearts and Minds

Rev. Christina Sillari continued in our pulpit and asked: God: What is God and why is God so prevalent in our culture? How does your mind and heart approach the notion of God? “Could anything actually exist in the universe, as science understands it, that is worthy of being called God?” by Nancy Ellen Abrams … Continue reading What, Why and How God Is in Our Culture, Hearts and Minds

Atheism: What Are Its Blessings? How Does It Shape Our Faith?

Rev. Christina Sillari returned to our pulpit and asked: “Frankly, do you need to believe in God to be convinced that sincerity is preferable to dishonesty, courage to cowardice, generosity to egoism, gentleness and compassion to violence and cruelty, justice to injustice, love to hate.” by Andre Comte-Sponville Watch a recording of it here: We … Continue reading Atheism: What Are Its Blessings? How Does It Shape Our Faith?

Exploring the Practice of Meditation

CVUUS Sangha’s Dinah Smith, Colleen Brown, Tracey Harrington, Revell Allen and Larry & Helene Vanderburgh led our special Buddhist service on exploring the many paths into the practice of meditation. We acknowledged Mother’s Day. Our choir sang and Carol Harden accompanied Ronnie on the postlude. Zen Center Peacemaker Quilt Project: One of the quilts was … Continue reading Exploring the Practice of Meditation

The Art of Gathering: Ritual & Ceremony

Rev. Mark Orten, Middlebury College’s Dean of Religious Life, shared insights. Assisted by Karl Lindholm. We donated to Hungarian Unitarian Church efforts to aid Ukrainian Refugees. About Rev. Orten: Mark works to make spiritual and religious life relevant, central and visible on the campus. He has experience and various certifications working with intentional community among … Continue reading The Art of Gathering: Ritual & Ceremony