Palestinian Support Options from Middlebury SURJ

Join our weekly Ceasefire Honk & Wave, every Thursday. Now, more than ever, we need to stand up against the brutality and famine being imposed on the people of Gaza.

Please join us tomorrow, June 27, at 4 pm to say CEASEFIRE NOW! We meet at the very top of the Green in Middlebury- right across the street from Vermont Federal Credit Union. You can park at the Co-op or Shaw’s and walk over. Feel free to bring signs, or hold one of ours.

Contribute to the Gaza Mutual Aid Network, which supports displaced Gazans currently living in Egypt. Funds are used for food, clothing, and medical care. Venmo: @nassim-touil

Attend the screening of Where Olive Trees Weep, on Tuesday, July 2, at 7:30 pm at Otter Creek Yoga in Middlebury. This film gives background to the current crisis in Israel/ Palestine, and depicts the lives of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Please RSVP here!

Yesterday was a sad day because Congressman Jamal Bowman lost his primary, after his outspoken support for the people of Gaza. Here is a really good (short!) video that we highly recommend.