Policy on Financial Support to Attend District Conferences and General Assembly
1. Those requesting assistance must be active members of CVUUS.
2. It is the desire of CVUUS to financially support the participation of members who might not be able to afford to participate. So financial need will be taken into account in distributing available funds. To that end, those requesting financial assistance from CVUUS are asked to:
a. apply for a scholarship from the district and/or UUA
b. apply to volunteer at GA
c. reduce their housing costs by any or all of the following:
i. sharing a room
ii. selecting dormitory housing when available
iii. selecting home hospitality when available
d. submit a request for financial assistance, indicating the following
i. estimate of costs
ii. amount of financial assistance absolutely necessary to enable participation
iii. amount of financial assistance requested
iv. cost-saving strategies (a, b, and c above) attempted and/or used
3. Priority will be given to
a. those elected to serve as delegates
b. those elected to serve as alternate delegates
c. those whose participation stands to benefit CVUUS the most
i. Board Members (especially new board members)
ii. Leaders of Ministry Areas whose service to CVUUS will be enhanced or supported by their attendance at a district conference or GA
iii. Members committed to using/sharing what they learn with CVUUS in the coming year.
Updated June 2012