Non-Payment of Pledges
Discussion Outline Toward A Policy Decision
What is the Issue?
To determine what our policy should be regarding non-payment of pledges
How much time do we have to talk?
Approximately 15 minutes
What is needed as a result of our talking?
A decision as to whether or not to attempt to collect pledges that are not paid in full by June 30
What is the decision-making method?
Board vote (this is a policy issue so the Board needs to vote)
Where will this go from here?
If the vote is positive, the next step would be the development of an implementation plan. (Finance Committee will develop this.)
If the vote is negative, either do nothing else or gain consensus on what needs to be done and get commitment to such a policy.
Things to consider
A pledge is a commitment to pay and we base our budget and our expenditures on the amount of money that is pledged. We do not have an endowment to cover pledges not paid.
Should we attempt to collect from all who have not paid their pledges in full or do we forgive certain pledges because we know of “extenuating circumstances”? On what basis do we make this determination?
Down the road
It is imperative that we determine a process for following up with people who are behind in their pledges. A process needs to be put in place for deciding who needs to be called, when they need to be called, and by whom they should be called.
(Note from minister: How will the congregation know about this policy??)