Religious Exploration for Children and Youth
CVUUS aims to offer a welcoming space where children, youth, and adults can join in community and learn and grow in our UU Values. Those values are Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity, with Love at the center
Our Religious Exploration programming explores our values as well as the various religious traditions that are the roots and neighbors of our beliefs, and focuses on nurturing connection and creating community. Find out more about our beliefs and UU Values.
Sunday Programming for Children and Youth
On Sundays, children and youth begin with the congregation in worship at 10am. After the “Time for All Ages,” children and youth ages 3+ are welcome to follow the RE adults to their classrooms for special programming where we learn about and explore our UU roots and values and have lots of fun! At 11:15, after the service, families can pick up their children from their classrooms, or the RE adults will bring them to join the rest of the congregation at our Fellowship Hour.
More details on the current RE programming can be found here.
Some weeks include special programming where the children and youth do not begin in worship, but instead spend the entire time doing a special activity, such as baking cookies for a special event, or celebrating the solstice. There are other weeks when they join the rest of the congregation for a multigenerational worship service. There is even a service that the children and youth lead! A sign in the Sanctuary lobby indicates where the children will begin each week, and this information is also shared in the weekly REmail. (Email to be added to the RE email list and for more information.)
JETPIG has been helping us learn our UU values, and is now a treasured member of our RE program!
Nursery Care
Children and youth of all ages are always welcome in the worship service. Additionally, the nursery is available for children who are too young or not quite ready for structured RE programming. The bright, friendly space, just down the hall from the Sanctuary, has age-appropriate books, toys, and stuffies, as well as a changing table and a rocking chair that caregivers can use for feeding and rocking.
OWL – Our Whole Lives
CVUUS is proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL) programming for 4-6th grade and 7-9th grade youth. OWL is a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curriculum created by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) that uses interactive workshops to provide honest, accurate information about sexuality and relationships. We usually offer the 4-5th grade and 7-8th grade programs in alternate years. See this page for more information on OWL.
Non-Sunday RE Offerings
Religious exploration and community building does not just happen on Sundays! There are many ways for children, youth, and families to connect with each other and the wider community at CVUUS. Check out our events calendar.
Want to be an RE adult?
Interested in growing in your UU Values by working with the children and youth? There are lots of ways to get involved. You could lead an RE class once or up to three times a month. You could assist once a month or just once a year! You could even become an OWL facilitator. Contact our Acting RE Coordinator, Julia Santerre at