Grades 6-8: Our Whole Lives (OWL)
- Self Worth
- Sexual Health
- Responsibility
- Justice and Inclusivity
OWL models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. It helps adolescents address their attitudes, values, and feelings about themselves, their sexuality, and others’ sexuality. Participants are guided by trained facilitators through an engaging curriculum that addresses topics most important to young adolescents, including those typically excluded from sexuality education and health classes.
13 Sessions including Sexuality and Values, Gender Identity and Expression, Sexual Orientation, Healthy Relationships, Social Media, Bullying, Consent Education, Safer Sex, Pregnancy, Communicating about Sexuality, and Self Care.
- OWL Grades 7-9 Units and Workshop Descriptions
- Led by our trained OWL Facilitators Jordan Young and Joanna Colwell.
- Under discernment for delivery later in 2025.
COMING OF AGE (runs alternate years)
A Unitarian Universalist rite of passage in Middle School. Includes team-building, social justice, UU identity, ritual, games, fall kick-off day retreat, spring trip to Boston, creating personal belief statements, the Coming of Age spring celebration Worship service, and much more.