Religious Exploration

CVUUS offers Religious Exploration (RE) programs for all ages, inspiring:

  • Ethical growth – internalizing enduring values like justice, equity, and compassion, and gaining tools to act on them in everyday life.
  • Social growth – connecting with peers and people of all ages on a deeper level. Finding acceptance among people who see beyond the superficial.
  • Spiritual growth – feeling a connection with the sacred within, among, and beyond us.

Our Religious Exploration program isn’t school classes – it’s small groups, big groups, stories, games, singing, cooking, community service and fun. On a Sunday, you might find the preschoolers singing songs about kindness, the 2nd graders engaging with a story about loss and bereavement, the 5th graders talking with a Muslim couple about Islam, the 7th graders learning about responsibility in a lesson from our progressive sexuality education program, and the high-school youth raising money for the local homeless shelter. Many programs incorporate social justice activities, worship opportunities, service trips, fellowship, and fun based on our six “JETPIG” values centered by Love.

Who Organizes RE

Our Director of Religious Exploration, Poppy Rees, oversaw the program along with the R.E. Council and many other people until Jan 2025.  The program is led, taught, and assisted by a broad mix of people from the congregation.  Leading or assisting in the RE program can be a very fulfilling way to deepen one’s own faith.

Julia Santerre is the new RE Coordinator.  She will be continuing the RE program in coordination with the RE Council and continues Poppy’s practice of offering encouraging words and updates in weekly email messages to families. Contact if you want to receive these.

When We Offer RE

Children’s Religious Exploration programs are offered on Sunday mornings during the school year (Sept-June), and high school youth and adult programs are usually offered on Sunday afternoons or evenings.  Some younger programs, like Neighboring Faiths, have trips and events at other times.

Adult religious exploration opportunities include Small Group Ministries (small discussion groups) and more.

For 2024-2025:


Kids usually start in Worship and then leave (after 20 minutes or so) to go to our house right next door, for RE groups. Sometimes we meet as one group all-together (especially for special occasions) and sometimes we meet in smaller aged groups. There is a posted schedule that shows this.

NURSERY  Infant-3

The Nursery is currently UNSTAFFED but open for use by families. It’s a safe and fun place to go, with lots of toys and books, a changing table and sink, a glider chair, and much more. Just down the hall from our Sanctuary.


GRADES 6-8: MUUGS–Middle School UU Group

GRADES 7-8:  OWL Our Whole Lives (postponed from spring 2025)

This a popular progressive sexual health curriculum which focuses on self-worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice, and inclusivity.  Under discernment for possible summer camp option or delivery in Fall 2025.

GRADES 9-12:  Youth Group

Hoping to offer a new Youth Group program.  The youth, with guidance from Advisors, determines the focus of meetings & activities. We aim to include multiple aspects of Youth Ministry including leadership development and empowerment, social action and justice, community, and fun.  Staffing and scheduling being worked on. Info to come.