One way that CVUUS makes social justice happen every week is by donating half our collection plate proceeds. Our donations go to a different organization each month. Please give generously to support our neighbors in need!

Future Recipients

If you have a suggestion for a future donee please contact a member of the Donation Ministry: Jean Terwilliger, Avi Freund, or Liam Battjes Greenwood or our ministers.

March 2025: Atria Collective

Advocacy, education, and social change to end gender-based violence. In 1982 the Addison County Battered Women’s Project was incorporated as its own entity. It’s  purpose was “promoting the social welfare of Addison County by reducing the incidence of domestic violence, and primarily, the incidence of abuse against women.” From 1988—2001, it was called Addison County Women In Crisis (ACWIC). In 2001, the name “WomenSafe” was officially adopted to signify the mission of the organization, and to acknowledge that intimate partner violence disproportionately affects women and girls (and especially women of color). They purchased the present Middlebury office building in 1998 and an additional building in 2018. The office provides a safe, comfortable setting for support groups and individual meetings with trained staff. We are gender neutral and survivor-centered. Listen first, act second. Survivors know what is best. They are the experts of their own experiences. Our work is rooted in active listening and empowerment. More at & by asking board members Elaine Orozco Hammond & Becky Strum.

Feb 2025:  Turning Point Center of Addison County

February’s donee will be the Turning Point Center of Addison County, in support/honor of the Queerly Beloved group that is now meeting weekly at CVUUS with support from CVUUS members and friends.  Additional support for rides to Thursday meetings would be welcome- talk to Liam Battjes-Greenwood for more info.

Our Mission

Providing peer-based recovery support to all; we seek to enhance the spiritual, mental, physical, and social growth of our community affected by substance use disorders and addictive behaviors.

 Our Vision

We focus on cultivating hope, support, and success for all people affected by the challenges of substance use disorders and addictive behaviors, and we envision a future where stigma and stereotypes are overcome by an empowered community.

Our recovery support services help people rebuild their lives and become productive and engaged members of society. Volunteers and staff provide peer support, evidence-based services, educational programs, and recovery training in a safe and supportive environment. The Center is staffed by trained, knowledgeable people with a vested interest in recovery–primarily volunteers–who can connect individuals to appropriate community resources and offer one-to-one support. Turning Point Center regularly collaborates with other community organizations in an effort to help reduce redundancy of current community programs and provide the widest possible range of services and supports.

Jan 2025:  NAACP Rutland Chapter

NAACP of Rutland County honors MLK day and furthers the work of our anti-racism covenant and Shaping the Leading Edge group guided by Paula Cole Jones.The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race. The following statement of objectives is found on the first page of the NAACP Constitution – the principal objectives of the Association shall be:

  • To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens
  • To achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice among the citizens of the United States
  • To remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes
  • To seek enactment and enforcement of federal, state, and local laws securing civil rights
  • To inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination
  • To educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and to take any other lawful action in furtherance of these objectives, consistent with the NAACP’s Articles of Incorporation and this Constitution. $1,230

Outright VT was our Jan 5th donee in honor of our beloved outgoing RE Director Poppy Rees. Outright Vermont has provided support, advocacy, and celebration of young queer people in VT for 20 years since 1989. Founded by a small group of queer adults, a4er a national survey discovered that queer youth were dramatically at higher risks of suicide than their heterosexual peers. For more, visit $340

Dec 2024: Charter House Coalition

Charter House Coalition is a local organization which has been providing housing and meals to the homeless in the Middlebury area since 2005.  Over the years, its importance has grown, as has the need. In 2019 Charter House provided almost 40,000 meals to hundreds of individuals and families. It housed 134 men, women and children. In 2020 of the pandemic, Charter House had to radically change its activities, serving three meals a day to people living in various locations around Middlebury, including its own residents. CVUUS makes dinner for residents (up to 35) on the second Monday of each month and lunch every second Wednesday of the month.  It is constantly seeking funding in order to employ the staff and purchase the food and other supplies. CVUUS has always been a generous supporter of Charter House, and with your assistance in December, we will continue to do so. They welcome warm socks and gloves dropped off at 27 N. Pleasant St. More at $1,296

CVUUS Discretionary Fund will be our donee for our Christmas Eve service. It provides emergency relief funding coordinated with HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects), a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant. Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. $973

World Central Kitchen will be the donee for ornaments made and sold by our Religious Exploration kids. For more, visit . $170

Nov 2024: CVUUS Discretionary Fund

This fund is used for the very immediate direct benefit to the neediest people in our local community, provided in a confidential manner. The needs of the fund have expanded under our community ministry program.

From Community Minister Tom Morgan:

“It’s important to say that this is a ministry.  We demonstrate the values of our faith by recognizing that the needs of others are not less than our own needs (everyone is equally worthy and deserving of dignity).  And we are a justice-seeking, equity-focused, generous people.  Our approach is based on clinically proven outreach and crisis ministry.  We CONNECT and develop relationships with people in need.  Sometimes a Dunkin card helps with that.  Sometimes a family cannot begin to connect or develop relationships until they get their kids to a medical appointment in Burlington, but they don’t have gas, so a gas card can help.  And then there are larger needs.

Our community ministry partners with dozens of local human services providers and other faith groups.  Intersectional impoverishment is bad during “normal” times.  But with the GA Motel program rule changes, over 1,000 more people in Vermont are losing housing.  We have literally kept people housed by partnering and providing some financial support to families in need.  In the meantime, we have helped with a kid’s birthday (when his mom didn’t have the money for any gifts).  We have helped with power bills AND connected individuals to GMP’s financial help program.

Confidentiality and ministerial discretion are an important part of the way this ministry works.  And it does work.  People’s lives are better because of the connections we make, the way we remain on the journey with individuals, and the funds that are in the CVUUS Discretionary Fund.”

Oct 2024: Vermont Abenaki Artists Association

The Vermont Abenaki Artists Association hosts the Abenaki Artists weekend at the Maritime Museum every year. Vermont Abenaki Artists Association (VAAA) is a Native American arts organization that serves the public by connecting them to Abenaki educators, artists from the visual and performing arts as well as literary genres. VAAA’s mission is to promote awareness of state-recognized Abenaki artists and their art, to provide an organized central place to share creative ideas, and to have a method for the public to find and engage state-recognized Abenaki artists. They do this by presenting public programs, cultural events, and museum exhibitions that educate the public in understanding Abenaki art and culture.  Many CVUUS members have attended the annual Abenaki Heritage Weekend at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. More at $1233

Sept 2024: Oxfam for Gaza Relief

The humanitarian needs in Gaza are enormous following the violent attacks by Palestinian armed groups and Israel’s retaliatory siege and airstrikes in October 2023. More than 2 million people face a massive crisis, as electricity, fuel, food, and water remain unavailable, and incoming aid isn’t enough to handle the enormous scope of needs. Oxfam has been identified by CVUUS as one of the organizations able to get aid in quickly. More at Oxfam $1233

Midd Pride will be our “5th Sunday donee” in support of CVUUS participation in this year’s the Middlebury Pride Day in support of our LGBTQIA+ community coordinated by the Teen Center and CVUUS’ Elio Farley. It will be Sat Oct 12 this year (instead of June) with the parade gathering at college park at 11 and celebration following until 5 pm at the Middlebury Town Green. More at $230

August 2024: Addison County Parent/Child Center

Addison County Parent/Child Center across RT 7 from CVUUS on Monroe was founded in 1980 in response to a shortage of quality child care and services for Addison County families with children under the age of three. ​In the first year we served 70 families and today we serve almost 2,000 Addison County residents annually by providing child care, parent education, play groups, job training, academic education, social services and assistance in moving from welfare to work. More at $1,129

July 2024: Spirit in Nature

Spirit in Nature in Ripton for bench replacement and trail restoration. Spirit in Nature is a place of interconnecting paths where people of diverse spiritual traditions may walk, worship, meet, meditate, and promote education and action toward better stewardship of this sacred Earth. More at $1052.50

June 2024: Outright VT

Outright Vermont has provided support, advocacy, and celebration of young queer people in VT for 20 years since 1989. Founded by a small group of queer adults, a4er a national survey discovered that queer youth were dramacally at higher risks of suicide than their heterosexual peers, Outright Vermont has built up programming that now includes:

  • Queer youth spaces, that host a range of weekly peer-support groups, events, workshops, and more in Burlington, Montpelier, and Brattleboro, VT;
  • Education & outreach work statewide for schools, communities, colleges, and organizations looking for support on preventing harassment, dealing with harassment, creating and supporting Queer/ Straight Alliances (QSAs), and more;
  • Annual large scale events for queer youth & the larger queer community including: over 10 years of queer youth pride, a statewide queer & allied youth summit, the Fire Truck Pull, and the annual Outright Awards. All of this, and so much more. Being queer means being attracted to anyone, with no regard to a person’s gender or sex. It could mean someone is attracted to more than one gender, or even two genders. Being queer means you like what you like and you accept that your desires are dynamic and open to change. For more, visit $1361.50

National Alliance on Mental Illness VT (NAMI VT) was our  “5th Sunday donee.” It supports, educates and advocates to build better lives. More at $340

May 2024: Gather (Drop-In Community Space)

Gather is a comfortable, welcoming, and free-of-charge gathering place that serves the neighborhood. Gather is a comfort zone for everyone, but especially those who deal with isolation, loneliness, or who could just use a listening friend. It is a hub of healing community. While not a church or temple, Gather is based on some important Buddhist principles, because it is a project created by Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community. Gather is located in the town center of Middlebury, on the Green.

Gather offers opportunities for each of us to meet new people, welcome everyone right where they are, and engage in mutual hospitality.  Additionally, Gather offers … daily midday mindfulness (12-12:20, closed Mon & Tues), music jams each Saturday morning (11-1:30), a circle of joys and concerns each Sunday (9-10 am), ongoing conversations over coffee, cake and healthy snacks, all-day weekly or bi-weekly card game events, grief groups, community celebrations, recovery meetings, community acupuncture, hand reflexology, art and quilting activities, knitting and rock painting classes, and so much more. All is free.

Please stop by, and if you would like to get involved or schedule an event, contact Colleen Brown (above) at her BLMZC email address: You can also talk with fellow CVUUS-ers who serve as Gather hosts and/or offer activities there. That group includes Dinah Smith, Margy Levine Young, Jordan Young, Abi Sessions and Tom  Morgan. See more at $1689

CVUUS also contributed $1000 from its Rhubarb Festival to Gather.

April 2024: Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County (CEAC)

 CEAC’s mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Addison County in a timely and equitable manner, while promoting and supporting a just transition to a healthy and sustainable local economy. In the past few years CEAC created a Climate Action Plan and conducted Greenhouse Gas Emissions Surveys for Addison County. The outcome of this work, along with conversations with many local residents and organizations, is CEAC’s Energy Navigator Program. This program will provide personal assistance to connect Addison County residents with all of the resources available to help electrify and weatherize their homes to create a clean energy future. Additional funding will support staff in community outreach efforts. See CEAC board member Jean Terwilliger and for more. $1,600

March 2024: Atria Collective (formerly WomenSafe)

Advocacy, education, and social change to end gender-based violence. In 1982 the Addison County Battered Women’s Project was incorporated as its own entity. It’s  purpose was “promoting the social welfare of Addison County by reducing the incidence of domestic violence, and primarily, the incidence of abuse against women.” From 1988—2001, it was called Addison County Women In Crisis (ACWIC). In 2001, the name “WomenSafe” was officially adopted to signify the mission of the organization, and to acknowledge that intimate partner violence disproportionately affects women and girls (and especially women of color). They purchased the present Middlebury office building in 1998 and an additional building in 2018. The office provides a safe, comfortable setting for support groups and individual meetings with trained staff. We are gender neutral and survivor-centered. Listen first, act second. Survivors know what is best. They are the experts of their own experiences. Our work is rooted in active listening and empowerment. More at & by asking board members Elaine Orozco Hammond & Becky Strum. $1575 

5th Sunday Donee Easter March 31—Women for Women: Gaza Support The global community of Women for Women International (WFWI) invests in women where inequality is the greatest by helping women who are forgotten— survivors of war and conflict, providing them with social and economic skills to transform their own lives. To address the urgent humanitarian needs of women in Gaza, WFWI is working with Wefaq Society for Women and Child Care, a local women’s organization that has managed to remain operational, even in this deadly and unstable environment.  Through them, they are providing:  Hot meals from community kitchen, winter clothes and shoes, blankets and mattresses,hygiene kits, and other essential items like menstrual supplies, milk, diapers for babies and food vouchers, hotlines for trauma informed counseling. More at $542 

February 2024: Black Church Food Security

The Black Church Food Security Network (BCFSN) is the fruit of Maxine’s Garden at Pleasant Hope Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD and now a network of Black churches organized to advance health, wealth, and power for our people. They partner with historically African American congregations to establish or expand gardens or agricultural projects, such as rainwater collection or compost systems, on church-owned land.

Connecting the vast inventory of church-owned land with agricultural initiatives can provide a myriad of health-related, environmental, and economic benefits to the African American community and beyond. They currently provide training, technical assistance, and seed funding to our member churches around the United States (including in Vermont).

Through the Soil to Sanctuary Market, they partner with congregations to bring miniature farmer’s markets to churches on days that they worship or gather. Having Black farmers and food business owners selling their items at Houses of Worship provides a mutually beneficial opportunity for growers/producers to tap into a niche’ market and for congregants and neighbors to have greater access to nutrient-rich food.

However, their commitment to Black farmers goes far beyond the sale.  They believe that transformative relationships are necessary to confront and overcome the kind of discrimination that Black farmers have faced for 100 years. So while they help groups to buy from Black farmers, they also work to have congregations “adopt” Black farmers; to invest in their farm operations, provide spiritual support, serve as advocates, and be partners far beyond the point of sale. More at $1,666

January 2024: UUA Affiliates

Church of Larger Fellowship  Wherever you are in the world, wherever your truth takes you on your spiritual journey, the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is there to keep you connected with Unitarian Universalism (UU). CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act. Our 3,500 online members, including over 900 who are currently incarcerated, live all over the world. “What brings us together is the desire to connect, seek, share and grow within Unitarian Universalism”. Look for The Quest in our lobby (coat rack area) or visit $210

UU RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education) operates with integrity, compassion and accountability to provide low-cost and no-cost immigration legal services to help clients access the protections and benefits available under current immigration laws. UU Rise also provides no-cost CARE (Connections / Advocacy / Resource Navigation / and Emergency Safety Planning) services designed to support and further justice for immigrant individuals and families. “Our values and how we put them into action are what make us unique and essential in the field of immigration legal services and advocacy”. Visit for more. $877

DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries) is a People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective bringing lay and religious professionals together to overcome racism. It leads efforts to fulfill the Journey Towards Wholeness Resolution towards becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural UUA, creating space for youth, young adult and our families of color to heal and work collectively, and steward an effective organization that develops new leadership and manages consistent communication with members. Visit for more. $408

Newest UU Congregation (New Brackett Church) Each year we boost the newest UU congregation. $426

December 2023: Charter House Coalition

Charter House Coalition is a local organization which has been providing housing and meals to the homeless in the Middlebury area since 2005.  Over the years, its importance has grown, as has the need. In 2019 Charter House provided almost 40,000 meals to hundreds of individuals and families. It housed 134 men, women and children. In 2020 of the pandemic, Charter House had to radically change its activities, serving three meals a day to people living in various locations around Middlebury, including its own residents. CVUUS makes dinner for residents (up to 35) on the second Monday of each month and lunch every second Wednesday of the month.  It is constantly seeking funding in order to employ the staff and purchase the food and other supplies. CVUUS has always been a generous supporter of Charter House, and with your assistance in December, we will continue to do so. More at $1675

CVUUS Discretionary Fund will be our donee for our Christmas Eve service. It provides emergency relief funding coordinated with HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects), a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant. Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. $1180

Vermont Workers Center will be our “5th Sunday” donee. $272

November 2023: Gedakina

Gedakina which means “Our world, a way of life” in the Wabanaki language, focuses on the challenges and hardships that Native American youth, women, and communities face daily, which are rooted in multi-generational exposure to systemic poverty, oppression and violence. Gedakina is a multigenerational endeavor to strengthen and revitalize the cultural knowledge and identity of Native American women and their families from across New England. “We work to conserve our traditional homelands and places of historical, ecological, and spiritual significance and to educate others as to their importance.” Gedakina initiatives focus on leadership development, education and cultural revitalization, including working with community organizations about how to give appropriate land acknowledgements, helping indigenous families around the Northeast become self-sufficient with Braiding Sweetgrass groups sharing traditional ecological knowledge, and providing educational opportunities in local schools to learn Indigenous language and heritage. See more about them at and CVUUS efforts to honor indigenous peoples and hold Thanksgiving during Indigenous People’s month here. $1,442 

October 2023: ACORN Network Food Hub

CVUUS seeks to support ACORN (the Addison County Relocalization Network) in its efforts to expand its Food Hub which is centrally located on Middlebury’s Exchange Street. The ACORN Food Hub hosts an Online Market and local supply chain support to aggregate, market, and distribute food products from producers and farms around Vermont’s Champlain Valley. It makes it easier for wholesale buyers (restaurants, schools, hospitals, retail outlets) and community members to source Champlain Valley products from small and medium sized farms. The Food Hub increases access to markets for local producers, increasing farm viability and contributing to a vibrant local economy. We are also undergoing a feasibility study to potentially add a community kitchen that could be accessed by Viva el Sabor chefs and other community members. For more, watch here and visit $1239.50 

5th Sunday Donee: If Not Now is (mostly young) American Jews who are against the occupation of Palestine. They are working with a similar group (called Jewish Voice for Peace) and demonstrating to urge the U.S. to promote ceasefire and de-escalation of the conflict instead of military “solutions.” More at $170

September 2023: Resource VT

Resource VT aims to reduce poverty by creating a marketplace for reuse while providing new opportunities to the under-skilled and long-term unemployed through training programs, especially in much needed weatherization, large appliance and computer repair work. Resource VT operates stores in Burlington (339 Pine St), Williston, Barre and Hyde Park where you can drop off and seek household goods and building supplies at affordable prices. Not only do their stores keep usable goods out of the landfill, but they also provide economic and training opportunities to Vermonters, especially to adults and youth who have barriers to employment to hone job skills and prepare for a successful work life as productive members of their communities. Their large appliance sales and service technicians can provide full-service repairs to your current machines in their warehouses or in your home. They also place and sell a variety of appliances and computers at various retail locations, including at HOPE. Our office manager Laura Asermily donates supplies to them regularly and participated in their weatherization training in 2008 and recommends them highly and hopes you’ll support them. For more, visit Resource VT. $1291

August 2023: VT Flood Relief Efforts

We’ll divide our July 5th Sunday and August collections among several organizations.

Capstone Community Action, Emergency Response Fund- the CVOEO of the Montpelier region: $628.55

Unitarian Church of Montpelier – basement flooded $628.55 

Rainbow Bridge– LGBTQ+ community center in Barre which is doing lots of relief work right now:$628.55

NOFA- Flood relief for farmers around the state, including the Intervale:$628.55

United Way Flood Relief Effort Fund– local chapter of our choice $628.55 

July 2023: Reducing Gun Violence

 New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Education Fund, the tax-exempt arm of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, informs the public, particularly youth, about the dangers of gun violence and ways to prevent and reduce gun violence. It works in schools and communities to educate New Yorkers about the root causes and impact of gun violence, as well as holistic solutions to the problem. Their signature in-school program, ReACTION, is one of many programs empowering students disproportionately affected by gun violence to become leaders in the fight for safe and just communities. $513

 Giffords Center for Violence Intervention was created to champion the community organizations working to save lives on the ground, because such organizations are remarkably effective when given the proper funding and support. The team researches and promotes community violence intervention strategies, connects community organizations to policymakers and to one another, and helps secure funding for violence intervention initiatives nationwide. Gifford’s, led by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Based on the assessment that gun violence is a complex problem requiring a range of solutions, they support the laws, policies and programs proven to save lives. Their mission is to inspire the courage of people from all walks of life to make America safer and bring an end to gun violence, a uniquely American Epidemic. $513

June 2023: NAACP Rutland Area

We’ll share our offering plate with Rutland NAACP this month in honor of Juneteenth & our new covenant (right). The Rutland Area branch of the NAACP serves Vermonters in Bennington, Rutland, and Addison counties by providing education, advocacy, and support around issues of racial justice, equity, and discrimination. Become a member! Contact Caitlin Gildrien about recent and upcoming activities or visit $1,278

May 2023: Have a Heart Community Food Shelf

Have a Heart provides quality food items to households experiencing food insecurity.  Located in St. Ambrose Catholic Church, this program supplies critical nutrition to hungry individuals and families in the Bristol region and can be accessed during the monthly food distribution as well as in emergencies. They’re teaming up with New Leaf organics to provide local fresh produce. Like food security programs all over Vermont, Have a Heart is serving more clients than usual and can really use our help. $1422 

April 2023: Abenaki Helping Abenaki

“Abenaki Helping Abenaki’s mission of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation is to strengthen our government; to build our community, and ensure sustainability; to protect our customs and traditions; and to revive our culture and celebrate our heritage while sharing it with those around us. N’dakinna (our homeland) is nestled among the lakes, rivers, and forests of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.  Our connection to this land cannot be described in any language.  It is our birthright and obligation to advocate for our ancestral territory so that its uniqueness and beauty will be protected for the generations to come. “ Chief Don Stevens (pictured).  Look for displays at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Burlington International Airport, Echo Museum, and Ethan Allen home site. More at $2196

NAMI Walks (5th Sunday Donee April 30) is the largest, most vibrant mental health event series in the country. NAMI Walks invites participants to share their stories, build community, and walk together to achieve Mental Health for all. They seek donations and  teams to participate in the April 29th one in Burlington. For more, visit $338.50 

March 2023: Homes First VT

Home First VT,  is a group of 7-10 members who meet regularly to generate and leverage community partnerships in order to alleviate our housing crisis. This includes CVUUS member Jean Terwilliger. Their long term vision is a village of 9-12 “right-sized” homes with a community gathering space situated within walking distance or on the bus line in Addison County. This is very intentionally as alternative to the affordable housing developments. Their short term goal is to build homes by the community, one by one. Hannaford Career Center has agreed to build one tiny house per year for as long as Homes First VT is the “middleman.” $1559

February 2023: Razom for Ukraine

Razom of Ukraine is a highly regarded umbrella aid group founded in 2014 by Ukrainians immigrants and exiles in New York City. The need for the social services, food, and medical care provided in Ukraine by Razom and its partners there is greater than ever as that nation enters its second year of resisting a brutal invasion by Russia in the depths of winter. Watch a you tube video about them here. $1199 

January 2023: UUA Affiliates

Jan. 1 —(newest UU congregation) New Brackett Church, Peaks Island, Me. Unlike the newly-formed UU congregations who received our surprise gift of support in past years, New Brackett is a 160 year-old congregation. It was Methodist for most of its history but severed those ties in 2020 to protest the Methodist refusal to support same-sex marriage and ordain LGBTQ clergy. After a year of independence, New Brackett joined the UUA late in 2021.

Jan. 8 — Church of the Larger Fellowship with online members all over the world  $369

Jan. 15 —Black Lives of U.U.$369

Jan. 22 — UURISE Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education $369

Jan. 29 — Promise the Children $369

To simplify bookkeeping, the collections from Jan. 8 through the end of the month for the share-the-plate donees will be pooled and equally divided among the four recipients. If you had favorites, you could also support them directly via the links above.

December 2022: Institute for Sustainable Communities

Based in Montpelier and founded by VT governor Madeline Kunin and her policy advisor George Hamilton in 1991, after a trip to Bulgaria, ISC ( has worked with thousands of communities, organizations, institutions and companies in more than 30 countries in support of its mission.

ISC believes strong communities are the foundation of a peaceful and healthy planet for humanity. “Throughout the world, people want the same things: access to clean air and water; economic opportunities; a safe and healthy place to raise their kids; shelter; lifelong learning; a sense of community; and the ability to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.” The organization now works in partnership with government agencies, businesses, universities, and other organizations to develop, test, and share, practical solutions that reduce harmful emissions and improve people’s lives in the United States, China, India, and Bangladesh. A few of their specific projects include:

  • Tackling the air pollution, toxic effluents, water mismanagement, and energy inefficiencies in Asia’s manufacturing sector, resulting from the region’s rapid industrialization.
  • Developing Climate Resiliency- Turning a Threat into an Asset in Suburban Miami-Dade County and the Puget Sound in Washington state.
  • Accelerating the emissions reductions of 12 partner cities, and capacitating trainers to bring program insights to Chinese scale.  $1150

HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects) will be our donee for our Christmas Eve Service, as before. HOPE is a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant. Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. More at $333

November 2022: Soul Fire Farm

Soul Fire Farm is an Afro-Indigenous centered community farm  in Petersburg NY committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system. We raise and distribute life-giving food as a means to end food apartheid. With deep reverence for the land and wisdom of our ancestors, we work to reclaim our collective right to belong to the earth and to have agency in the food system. We bring diverse communities together on this healing land to share skills on sustainable agriculture, natural building, spiritual activism, health, and environmental justice. We are training the next generation of activist-farmers and strengthening the movements for food sovereignty and community self-determination.  For more, ask Ash Hickey or visit  $1209

October 2022: The Brigid Alliance

The Brigid Alliance gets people to abortions whatever it takes. For many Americans, the costs and logistical challenges of getting to an abortion provider are primary barriers to access, and it’s only getting harder. They book, coordinate and pay for travel, travel expenses, and child care, serving as a single, trusted point of contact for every step of the journey. Wherever someone needs to get to abortion care in the U.S., we find a way to get them there – through direct support and in collaboration with our network of partners. They prioritize clients beyond 15 weeks of pregnancy for whom it’s generally more expensive and harder to find a provider near home. For more, visit   $1,218

We also donated $225 to Caritas of Puerto Rico for hurricane relief efforts on our “5th Sunday” in October.

September 2022: Campaign Legal Center

In response to attacks upon American democracy, and with a look ahead to the November midterms, the Donations Ministry will be supporting Campaign Legal Center in September. This year celebrates 20 years of  their work advancing democracy through law, fighting to create a more transparent, accountable and inclusive democracy. Their key issues are campaign finance, voting rights, redistricting and government ethics.

CLC is guided by the following principles:

  • We are committed to democracy, not to political parties or elected officials
  • We fight for all people to participate in the political process, regardless of identity
  • We value empathy in our work and accuracy in our results

They seek systemic impact and will work at any level of government to drive change

As of 2022, CLC has a budget of $14.3 million and a staff of 60+. CLC’s work is made possible by the generosity of foundations and individuals who are aligned in their goal to protect and strengthen democracy. However, demands for their work have skyrocketed in recent years and currently exceed their resources. Highly rated on Charity Navigator, CLC is a 501(c)(3) organization. See for more. $988

August 2022: Vermont Adult Learning

Vermont Adult Learning works for the day when all Vermonters are prosperous and have the life skills and knowledge to achieve success in their careers, family and community. They envision Vermont Adult Learning as a leader in education and training for those 16 years and older, and as a key resource in helping Vermonters to be successful in achieving their goals. Visit and drop by their Middlebury location in the Marbleworks where Abi Sessions is one of their teachers. $779

July 2022: New Community Project

New Community Project launched in Aug 2003, this small nonprofit has a big goal: to change the world. Locally, the New Community Project in Starksboro seeks to impact rural poverty through outreach programs in the Starksboro area. The program is run out of the home and farm of Pete Antos-Ketcham (pictured). Pete describes his role as community organizing or “effecting solutions.” Combined with food that is gleaned from other organizations including HOPE, Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op, Trader Joe’s and others, it provides weekly food deliveries to families and participates in a COVID food relief program for seniors. It also runs a community garden that in 2021 provided 1300 pounds of food.  Other areas of focus are heating assistance through a firewood project and environmental education. More on Pete’s project here. $542.80

Open Door Clinic: This was our “5th Sunday” donee.

The Open Door Clinic (ODC) serves as an ultimate healthcare safety net organization in our community, county and beyond, primarily serving adults, between 18-65 years of age. They hold 8-9 clinics per month, provide acute and chronic care, preventive and restorative dental care and have recently established a new collaboration with a bilingual mental health provider who can see their patients in Spanish!

The ODC also provides an extensive outreach program, visiting between 40-50 local dairy, vegetable and poultry farms and orchards each year primarily to Latinx migrant farm workers though in 2021 added a new dimension of this work to include local H2A workers as well. Since 2009, and through several cycles of a federal grant, we have worked tirelessly to increase access to care for local migrant farm workers and have become their trusted, permanent medical care home. On any given clinic night, migrant workers comprise 65-85% of our patients.

ODC staff also offers assistance with enrollment in Vermont Health Connect and Medicaid. They see many new, uninsured Vermonters who feel that their insurance options are cost prohibitive for their income and family budgets. Since 2013, their highly knowledgeable and tenacious navigator has provided an invaluable role, helping individuals understand their options and ultimately access care through health insurance enrollment or seeking care through our clinic. She is the only remaining navigator in Addison County and puts many at ease, particularly when there may be co-morbidities and health literacy issues at play.

Visits are held at 100 Porter Drive, Middlebury, VT by appointment only, and dental clinics are held at 1330 Exchange Street at Middlebury Dental Group. Several CVUUSers serve and volunteer at Open Door Clinic. Heidi Sulis is their executive director, Alice Berninghausen helps in the office and Alan Moore interprets for many medical appointments.

The ODC is always looking for volunteers who can speak Spanish. To learn more, visit $331.50

June 2022: Addison County Community Trust

ACCT is Addison County’s lead nonprofit affordable housing developer and manager, providing over 750 permanently affordable homes for low- and moderate-income residents. We currently own and operate 334 apartments, nine manufactured housing communities with sites for 340 owner-occupied mobile homes, and over 70 shared-equity single-family homes. We also provide resident support and enrichment through SASH (Support and Services at Home) as well as the Family Support Program, to ensure that every resident has access not only to a safe decent affordable home, but also to the supports they need to be successful renters and owners. For more, visit or speak to one of several CVUUS congregants who serve on its board including John Barstow (President), Abi Sessions (Secretary) and Elizabeth Golden (Resident  Rep). $877

May 2022: Ukrainian Relief Efforts

As  we are all painfully aware, the situation in Ukraine is not getting any  better; with several weeks into Russia’s invasion, there’s no clear end  in sight. As of April 10, almost 700,000 Ukrainians crossed the border into Romania  and 7.1 million are internally displaced. Behind the figures lies  unimaginable suffering that only grows as humanitarian needs increase. For most of May, we collected for Providence Charity of the Hungarian Unitarian Church referred to us by Neil Chippendale. You can contribute to this UUA Faithify supported project through CVUUS or online here$3,283

  1. Attend to the needs of hundreds of Ukrainian mothers and children transiting through Kolozsvár/Cluj railway station
  2. Provide housing and other support for 38 refugees in the Kolozsvár/Cluj area (more than half are children)
  3. Transport urgent supplies to Transcarpathia (southwest  Ukraine), consisting of nonperishable foods and other items needed by  shelters housing internally displaced Ukrainians (cots, mattresses, sleeping bags, flashlights, light bulbs, hotplates)
  4. Deliver a second shipment of medical supplies to a health center in Odessa (disinfectants, bandages, pain killers, syringes, flu medications, milk powder, diapers)
  5. Launch a kindergarten classfor Ukrainian refugee children in the day care center of the Hungarian Unitarian Church in Kolozsvár/Cluj

For the last week, we collected for Razom for Ukraine, relief effort designated by Diana Herasim, a Middlebury Union High School exchange student from Kherson, Ukraine. Her city is occupied by Russians and her family is in hiding. $383. 50

April 2022: Living Lands and Waters

Headquartered in Illinois, and established by Chad Pregracke in 1998, the mission of Living Lands & Waters is to aid in the protection, preservation and restoration of the natural environment of the nations’ major rivers and their watersheds. Since its founding, LL&W has grown to be the only “industrial strength” river cleanup organization like it in the world…with a staff of  ONLY @12 employees! Spending up to nine months a year living and traveling on the barge, the Living Lands & Waters crew hosts river cleanups, watershed conservation initiatives, workshops, tree plantings and other key conservation efforts. $970.50

March 2022: Planned Parenthood of Middlebury

As VT looks at amending its Constitution to protect reproductive rights, we’ll share our collection with Planned Parenthood of Middlebury for March. Planned Parenthood of Middlebury works to provide accessible, high quality, and compassionate healthcare to our community. Services include Well Person Check-Ups, STI Screening, Birth Control, Pregnancy Testing, Hormone Therapy, Immunizations, Peer Counseling, and other sexual and reproductive health services and referrals. They offer in house funds through the Access Plan that allows for free, confidential family planning services for those eligible. There is also a sliding fee scale, making services more accessible to lower income folks. Planned Parenthood is a safe and welcoming place to get healthcare and information, no matter your gender or sexual orientation.  For more, speak with Ashleigh Hickey or visit $1,314.55 

Feb 2022: UUA Affiliates

Feb 6— Church of Larger Fellowship  Wherever you are in the world, wherever your truth takes you on your spiritual journey, the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is there to keep you connected with    Unitarian Universalism (UU). Our 3,500 online members, with their children, live all over the world. What brings us together is the desire to connect, seek, share and grow within Unitarian Universalism. Look for The Quest in our lobby (coat rack area) or visit $252.50

Feb 13—UU RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education) offers direct legal services, particularly to those who have few resources to obtain legal assistance. Visit for more. $228.50

Feb 20—DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries) is a People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective bringing lay and religious professionals together to overcome racism. It leads efforts to fulfill the Journey Towards Wholeness Resolution towards becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural UUA, creating space for youth, young adult and our families of color to heal and work collectively, and steward an effective organization that develops new leadership and manages consistent communication with members. Visit for more. $202.50

Feb 27—All Souls Palatka (Palatka, FL) is a full blown new congregation… a great little group who had struggled for almost 10 years in their conservative part of Florida to reach critical mass and finally got there last spring, even during COVID. In the words of our own Rev. Barnaby, “Not only are they new, but they are on the frontlines of the cultural wars where our values are being most tested. People in that conservative area need a UU refuge and it would be great for them to know we are aware of their existence and cheering for them.”  $270.50

Jan 2022: UNICEF Vaccination Efforts

Given the existence of COVID-19 and its many forms, to kick off 2022, the Donations Ministry has decided to support an organization dedicated to the Global vaccination effort. CVUUS will be sharing its plate with UNICEF’s Covid-19 Response for 4 of the weeks in January. On the 5th Sunday, we will be collecting for Rokeby.

UNICEF’s COVID-19 Response: Stopping the spread of the coronavirus means making sure that people everywhere are protected. That’s the governing principle behind the COVAX Facility, a groundbreaking multilateral initiative aimed at guaranteeing that vaccines are distributed equitably worldwide. As a key partner in COVAX, UNICEF is leveraging 75 years of building expertise building a global health network for children to coordinate delivery of COVID-19 vaccine doses to more than 180 countries. According to the WHO, preliminary evidence suggests Omicon may carry a higher risk of reinfection than other variants…which underscores the necessity of every country gaining equal access to the tools to fight COVID. Vaccine delivery is key to stopping new variants and making a     return to normal life possible. As of the end of November 2021, COVAX has shipped more than 563 million COVID-19 doses to 144 countries. Track this effort here. $756

Rokeby Museum: From 1793 to 1961, Rokeby was home to four generations of Robinsons — a remarkable family of Quakers, farmers, abolitionists, artists, and authors. Today, the Robinson family’s home is a National Historic Landmark, designated for its exceptional Underground Railroad history. Located off Rt 7 in Ferrisburgh. More here. $155

Dec 2021: Charter House Coalition

Charter House Coalition is a local organization which has been providing housing and meals to the homeless in the Middlebury area since 2005.  Over the years, its importance has grown, as has the need. In 2019 Charter House provided almost 40,000 meals to     hundreds of individuals and families. It housed 134 men, women and children. In 2020 of the pandemic, Charter House has had to radically change its activities, and is now serving three meals a day to people living in various locations around Middlebury, including its own residents. CVUUS makes dinner for residents (up to 25) on the second Monday of each month and cookies (up to 250) for the community supper on the fourth Friday of each month. It is constantly seeking funding in order to employ the staff and purchase the food and other supplies. CVUUS has always been a generous supporter of Charter House, and with your assistance in December, we will continue to do so. More at $840.50

HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects) will be our donee for our Christmas Eve service, as before. HOPE is a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant. Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. More at $828

Nov 2021: Honor the Earth

Based in Minnesota, Honor The Earth is a Native-run non-profit that works to both raise public awareness and funds for grassroots Native environmental groups. They are the ONLY Native organization that provides both financial support and organizational support to Native environmental initiatives.  Honor the Earth develops their resources by using music, visual arts, the media, and Indigenous wisdom to ask people to recognize our joint dependency on the Earth.

They believe a sustainable world is predicated on transforming economic, social, and political relationships that have been based on systems of conquest into systems based on just relationships with each other and with the natural world. They are committed to restoring a paradigm that recognizes our collective humanity and our joint dependence on the Earth. Since their founding in 1993 they have re-granted over two million dollars to over 200 Native American communities.

Currently, Honor the Earth is supporting the efforts behind the movement, “Stop Line 3”, a proposed pipeline expansion to bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin.  It was proposed in 2014 by Enbridge, a Canadian pipeline company responsible for the largest inland oil spill in the US. Enbridge seeks to build a new pipeline corridor through untouched wetlands and the treaty territory of Anishinaabe peoples, through the Mississippi River headwaters to the shore of Lake Superior.  See more at $980

Oct 2021: Habitat for Humanity of Addison County

Following a 1999 sociology paper written by a Middlebury College Student on housing needs in Addison County, which found a substantial percentage of housing was substandard, a steering committee of concerned local residents was formed was formed, and soon thereafter, with a generous donation of a lot in Bristol by Addison County Community Trust, the first house was built. From then on, the local HFH affiliation was off and running. In spite of COVID-19, Habitat has been very busy.  They have completed their 12th house and started the 13th.  Habitat provided housing for a single mother and her daughter who were paying more than 30% of their income for safe housing.  The next house will provide a place to call their own for a family of five now in Addison.  Their schedule allows them to build one house a year.  They are building high performance houses (very, very tight) designed by the architecture class at Middlebury College.  They are able to get grants to allow them to put solar panels on each roof now, which makes the houses  almost net zero.  Many of these houses are the envy of the community.  Monthly or annual donations from supporters, and the no-interest mortgage loan repayments of the new homeowners, allows HFH to keep on building. Habitat can do all this only with help from our local, Addison County, community. Thanks to CVUUS, and many of its members, who have long been faithful supporters of “simple, decent housing” for our neighbors.  More here and in Dec when we sell holiday cards in support of HFH. $1,129.50

We collected for UUA Disaster Relief Fund, our “5th Sunday donee,” early on Oct 3. More about them here. $365.50

We also participated in the annual Addison County CROP Hunger Walk on Oct 3 and raised $1,275

Sept 2021: Vital Voices Project

Vital Voices Global Partnership invests in women leaders who are solving the world’s greatest challenges – from gender-based  violence to the climate crisis, economic inequities, and more. They are “venture catalysts,” identifying those with a daring vision for change and partnering with them to make that vision a reality.  Over the last 24 years, they’ve built a network of 18,000 change makers across 182 countries, each of whom are daring to reimagine a more equitable world for all. More at  $867.50

July-Aug 2021: RIP Medical Debt

When hospitals and insurers can’t collect debt from patients, they sell the right to payment to collection agencies for a fraction of face value. RIP Medical Debt arranges to buy portfolios of debts owed by the most impoverished patients from collection agencies for pennies on the dollar. It then forgives the debt and notifies the patients and their families the debt has been eliminated. And it also helps them repair any damage the debt has done to their credit ratings. On average, every dollar RIP gets from donors ends up retiring close to $100 in medical debt patients owe to collection agencies. For more on RIP, see  $1,191

Fonkoze (Haitian relief) 5th Sunday donee: $340

June 2021: Festival on the Green

This year’s re-envisioned Festival on the Middlebury Town Green will shine the spotlight on musical talent from the Green Mountain State. Due to the pandemic they will have only one band for night at 7 pm from Aug 2-6. It will kick off on Monday Aug 2 with Kenyan-born artist KeruBo’s dynamic ensemble and follow with Paul Asbell, Treetop Mansion (of Grift fame), Beg, Steal or Borrow and finish on Fri Aug 6 with Low Lily. CVUUS is delighted to support this important community building annual tradition hit so hard by the pandemic as part of its support for the arts in our area and focus for summer worship. For more, visit $787

HOPE received $2000 from us from Rhubarb Festival proceeds where we sold over 100 pies on June 5, 2021.

May 2021: Sandy Hook Promise & Love Activists

Sandy Hook Promise envisions a future where children are free from shootings and acts of violence in their schools, homes and communities. This nonprofit was founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14, 2012. Based in Newtown, Connecticut, their intent is to honor all victims of gun violence by turning our tragedy into a moment of transformation. By empowering youth to “know the signs” and uniting all people who value the protection of children, we can take meaningful actions in schools, homes, and communities to prevent gun violence and stop the tragic loss of life. For more and to make this promise, visit $1,010

Love Activists is an innovative educational program, based out of South Central Los Angeles, designed to strengthen schools and empower children to be compassionate leaders.  They offer mentorship, curriculum, community outreach, art activism. For more on this donee chosen by our middle schoolers for their Coming of Age service on May 16, visit loveactivists,org.  $300

April 2021: Common Ground Center

Camp Common Ground is an inter-generational family camp founded in 1994 located on 453 Tatro Rd in Starksboro VT. We welcome people of all ages, ethnicities, lifestyles, abilities and economic backgrounds.  They rent  unique eco-friendly facilities for events and host week long family vacation programs focused on creative expression, fun, great food and community. Campers have the opportunity to explore the many options available in one week or to immerse themselves more deeply in one particular activity. New and old friendships are cemented at Camp Common Ground. The extra time spent lingering over meals, on the wrap-around porch, or on the hill watching kids run and play allows for stimulating conversations. Family camp is an easy way to vacation with your extended family and friends. Grandparents to toddlers will have the time of their lives. For more, speak with Neily Jennings and Connor Timmons or visit $1,205

March 2021: Abenaki Support

Vermont Abenaki Artists Assn. promotes regional Indigenous arts,  artists, and culture by providing an organized central place to share creative ideas, and professional development. It creates engaging cultural eventseducational programs, exhibitions, and curriculum materials and represents over 280 artists, teaching artists, performers, educators, and scholars. We’ll collect for them in the first half of March. For more, visit $607.50

Abenaki Helping Abenaki’s mission of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation is to strengthen our government; to build our community, and ensure sustainability; to protect our customs and traditions; and to revive our culture and celebrate our heritage while sharing it with those around us. N’dakinna (our homeland) is nestled among the lakes, rivers, and forests of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.  Our connection to this land cannot be described in any language.  It is our birthright and obligation to advocate for our ancestral territory so that its uniqueness and beauty will be protected for the generations to come.  Look for displays at Burlington International Airport, Echo Museum, and Ethan Allen Homesite. We’ll collect for them in the second half of March. For more, visit $742.50

Feb 2021: UUA Affiliates

Church of Larger Fellowship  Wherever you are in the world, wherever your truth takes you on your spiritual journey, the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is there to keep you connected with    Unitarian Universalism (UU). Our 3,500 online members, with their children, live all over the world. What brings us together is the desire to connect, seek, share and grow within Unitarian Universalism. Look for The Quest in our lobby (coat rack area) or visit $302.50

First Parish of Portland ME with whom we shared a minister exchange in 2019 with Rev. Christina Sillari. Visit $197.50

UU RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education) offers direct legal services, particularly to those who have few resources to obtain legal assistance. Visit for more. $229.50

DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries) is a People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective bringing lay and religious professionals together to overcome racism. It leads efforts to fulfill the Journey Towards Wholeness Resolution towards becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural UUA, creating space for youth, young adult and our families of color to heal and work collectively, and steward an effective organization that develops new leadership and manages consistent communication with members. Visit for more. $217.50

Jan 2021: was founded in 2008 with the goal of building a global climate
movement, and was named after 350 parts per million — the safe
concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For the past 12 years, has been involved in many activities around the world including: the International Day of Climate Action in 2009, the Global Work Party in 2010, the effort to stop Keystone XL in 2011; Naomi Klein’s Do the Math Tour in 2012; The People’s Climate March in NYC in 2014; applauded the Paris Climate Agreement and was instrumental in launching the #ExxonKnew campaign. Since 2017, they have been celebrating with partners in Canada, Turkey, New Zealand, Kenya and South America over pipeline and coal plant cancellations, and of course took part in the Global
Climate Strike in 2019. “350” has become a planet-wide collaboration of organizers, community groups and regular people fighting for a fossil free future. In their own words, “To build a just, equitable, and fossil fuel-free world, we need you with us”, and “… science tells us we have less than a decade to completely transform our energy system…” To learn more about, visit their website…you can watch a video narrated by the founders and others about their assessments and hope for the future. $985

Southern Poverty Law Center Hate & Extremism Project.  Given the extreme rise in racism, anti-semitism and white supremacy in the past several years, culminating in pictures of rioters wearing Camp Auschwitz sweatshirts and carrying the confederate flag in our capitol, for this last Sunday in January, we supported SPLC’s Hate and Extremism project. “SPLC is the premier U.S. non-profit organization monitoring the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists – including the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazi movement, neo-Confederatesracist skinheadsantigovernment militiasChristian Identity adherents and others…We expose their activities to the public, media, and law enforcement; we publish investigative reports, train law enforcement officers and share key intelligence, and offer expert analysis to the media and public.”  $680

Dec 2020: Charter House

Charter House is a local organization which has been providing housing and meals to the homeless in the Middlebury area since 2005.  Over the years, its importance has grown, as has the need. Last year Charter House provided almost 40,000 meals to hundreds of individuals and families. It housed 134 men, women and children. This year of the pandemic, Charter House has had to radically change its activities, and is now serving three meals a day to 90 people, living in various locations around Middlebury. Obviously, this has taxed its resources, and although it has received funding from the state and federal governments, it is constantly seeking        additional funding in order to employ the staff and purchase the food and other supplies it requires so that it can adequately fulfill the growing need for its services. CVUUS has always been a generous supporter of Charter House, and with your assistance in December,  we will continue to do so. $530

Christmas Eve 2020: Project HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects)

HOPE is a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant. Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. $1,153

$411 for UUSC Guest at Your Table.

$89 for Habitat for Humanity of Addison County

Nov 2020: Alyssum

COVID-19 and the ensuing economic recession have negatively affected many people. In a poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation in mid-July, 53% of adults in the United States reported that their mental health had been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the coronavirus, nearly a 20% increase from a similar poll conducted in March. As the pandemic wears on, and we are facing the uncertain outcome of the election, the Donations Ministry is focusing on how to help Vermonters who are experiencing mental health issues. To that end, the November donee is Alyssum, a holistic, mental health residential crisis respite that relies heavily on VT Dept of Health for funding. It is created for those looking for short term emotional support while working on recovery and self-discovery. A typical stay is 7-14 days. It’s located in Rochester VT. It is free to all eligible VT residents. For more, see $1,140

Oct 2020: Vermont Foodbank

The Vermont Food Bank gets food to those in need in many ways. Each year, food producers and retailers provide the Foodbank with millions of pounds of food for distribution to our neighbors in need. The Vermont Foodbank and their network of partner food shelves throughout the state have been on the front lines of addressing the hunger crisis that has emerged as a part of the pandemic and associated economic recession. The most recent data from Feeding America estimates the number of food insecure people in Vermont has increased by 46% and that child food insecurity in VT has increased by 60%, as a result of the pandemic.  The Vermont Foodbank  network is doing everything possible to meet that increased need. They are leveraging new partnerships with restaurants, the State, the National Guard, FEMA, and food distributors, and are distributing more food than ever before. In fact, last year the Foodbank distributed around 11M pounds of food, while this year is on track to distribute more than 19M pounds.  For more, visit ~$600

Addison County Crop Walk CVUUS Team raised $1,100

Sept 2020: Movement Voter Project

Movement Voter Project (MVP), started in 2016, raises money to support the work of over 400 of the most promising and effective grassroots organizations across the country engaging voters and working for change and in their communities. The focus is on groups “most impacted by injustice”, often youth and communities of color. The first task is to turn out under-represented voters and build a strong, committed voting base; the second is to help communities to empower themselves and keep the momentum for change moving forward. More information can be found at $1,195

Aug 2020: NAACP Legal Defense Fund

NAACP Legal Defense Fund is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans. LDF also defends the gains and protections won over the past 75 years of civil rights struggle and works to improve the quality and diversity of judicial and executive appointments. Founded in 1940 under the leadership of Thurgood Marshall, who subsequently became the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice, LDF was launched at a time when the nation’s aspirations for equality and due process of law were stifled by widespread state-sponsored racial inequality. From that era to the present, LDF’s mission has always been transformative: to achieve racial justice, equality, and an inclusive society.  $952

August 30 “5th Sunday” Donee: The Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center Food for Families program $345

July 2020: Black Freedom Fund & Clemmons Family Farm

Christal Brown (choreographer, educator, performer, writer and activist) is an Associate Professor of Dance at Middlebury College. In response to people asking how they can help during these turbulent times, she decided to start a fundraiser, The Black Freedom Fund using her non-profit organization, INSPIRIT – a Dance Company. The Black Freedom Fund will offer assistance to black artists, families, and entrepreneurs, who due to Covid-19, a lack of resources, canceled work engagements or nominal exposure have been under-resourced. For more, see: $720

The Clemmons Family Farm,, in Charlotte VT is one of the largest African-American owned historic farms in Vermont today. The farm celebrates African American heritage and multiculturalism through arts, culture and science programs in a working landscape (currently closed due to COVID-19) and is one of the 22 landmark sites on the VT African American Heritage Trail. They work with and support a network of 162 artists of African descent that live in VT. CVUUS will support one of 2 programs: relief grants for one or 2 of the artists hardest hit by COVID-19 (demonstrated need must be presented by artists); and/or paid opportunities for artists in the CFF collective to develop online COVID-19 arts engagements for African-Americans/people of African descent: the engagements will either be public health information (based on information and messages provided by the VT Agency of Health or by World Health Org) that are integrated into the artists’ creative work– or art-and-healing creative works designed to help Black Vermonters find physical, emotional, spiritual or social healing and wellness within the context of the stresses of the double pandemics of COVID and racism. $685

June 2020: World Central Kitchen

WCK is working across America to safely distribute individually packaged, fresh meals in communities that need support – for children and families to pick up and take home, as well as delivery to seniors who cannot venture outside. WCK is also now activating restaurants to help meet this demand by providing jobs for their staff and meals for those in need. #ChefsForAmerica is making a key connection between people who need meals and restaurant workers and drivers who need to earn a living. For more, visit . $731

May 2020: Vermont Natural Resources Council

VNRC is committed to clean air and water; clean, affordable energy; accessible open spaces; sustainable communities; and functioning ecosystems reflects our desire for all people to be healthy and safe. For more, visit $450

We also donated $130 to Age Well’s Meals on Wheels program.

We also donated $1000 to HOPE from our Rhubarb Festival Pie sales.

April 2020: CVUUS Minister’s Discretionary Fund

The minister’s discretionary fund is used to assist members and friends of the congregation and members of the larger community in meeting their basic living needs (such as shelter, food, utilities, medical) and other exigencies (such as transportation, fees).  We seek to meet COVID-19 relief requests.  Members and friends rarely come to Rev. Barnaby to ask, but he discovers that a difficulty exists in a conversation – and  he reminds them that this fund exists. Funds may be given as a loan or a gift, depending upon the person’s ability and the circumstances.  Please consider a donation toward building up this fund in April. $3,577

March 2020: Common Threads Project

Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence– even if they are trapped in war zones or displaced as refugees– deserve a full opportunity to heal from the deep psychological wounds they have suffered. But rarely are long-term psychological services available where rape is a pervasive weapon of war. Inspired by ancient cultural practices and validated by current neuro-scientific understandings of trauma, Common Threads Project has developed a unique and effective group recovery program. In a safe and supportive environment, women create story cloths to depict experiences that may be hard to express in words. This becomes an entry point for a multi-dimensional therapeutic process. We build local capacity through training and mentoring, build successful interventions and conduct rigorous research. For more, visit $508

February 2020: UUA Affiliates

Feb 2 – UU Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) is firmly rooted in the long history of our faith’s prophetic action on environmental and human rights issues. It seeks to inspire, facilitate, and support personal, congregational, and denominational practices that honor and sustain the Earth and all beings. UUMFE focuses on a number of issues, including Climate Change, Ecology and Rights of Nature, Front-Lines Solidarity, Food Justice, Social Justice & Human Rights and Sustainability. Spring for Change, March 22nd (World Water Day) through May 22nd (International Day for Biodiversity), is an invitation to UU faith community to embody the transformational, regenerative power of Spring through sacred activism for Earth and all our relations. It also guides in how to be a Green Sanctuary. For more visit $162

Feb 9 – Church of Larger Fellowship Wherever you are in the world, wherever your truth takes you on your spiritual journey, the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is there to keep you connected with Unitarian Universalism (UU). Our 3,500 online members, with their children, live all over the world. What brings us together is the desire to connect, seek, share and grow within Unitarian Universalism. Look for The Quest in our lobby (coat rack area) or visit $199

Feb 16 – Newest UU Congregation: LAKESHORE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 620 Park Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220 $335

Feb 23 – UU the Vote supports congregations and UU organizations in activating thousands of UUs to mobilize voters, counter voter suppression, and to engage in spiritually grounded, values-based issue conversations with voters in their communities. Visit to see more and view their toolkit. $234

January 2020: End of Life Services

In partnership with the community, End of Life Services supports parents, families, friends, and caregivers before, during and after the dying process. End of Life Services advocates for compassionate end of life care by providing volunteers, bereavement support, music and other therapeutic practices, education for the community that recognizes death and dying as part of life, training for the providers, and options for those who are unable to complete their lives in their own home. For more, see brochures provided in our lobby, speak with Laurie Borden or visit$1050

December 2019: Addison County Interfaith Climate Action Network (ICAN)

Our December share-the-plate donee is us, but not really. Here’s the back story. Two years ago, we joined with other congregations in the Addison County Interfaith Climate Action Network (ICAN) to support the Addison County Renewable Energy Co-op’s (ACORN) plan to develop a solar energy project in Shoreham. The 17 panels we paid for will begin offsetting our electric bills when the field comes on line this winter, and eventually pay for themselves. We also pledged an additional 10 percent of our investment for ourselves to a fund to get solar energy for the Addison County Parent Child Center — roughly $960. That addional money wasn’t in our budget for this year so our plan is to offset the Parent Child Center gift we recently made good on with our offering to ourselves this month. And how fittng: the Parent Child Center exemplifies the spirit of our annual Christmas reading (…Each night a child is born is a holy night, Fathers and Mothers sitting beside their children’s cribs feel glory in the sight of new life beginning…). Not only that, this offering in support of solar energy investment will be collected in the month where days are shortest in our beautiful state and sunlight most precious. The Donaons Team knows there will be many other calls on your generosity this month but we hope you will feel especially heartened by this one.$1,606

We also donated $1,235 to HOPE from our Christmas Eve services.

November 2019: Hunger Free Vermont

Hunger is a problem in Vermont.

Lack of affordable housing, low wages, high unemployment, a decrease in the number of local, affordable grocery stores, and lack of public transportation all contribute to hunger and food insecurity in Vermont.

Children living in food insecure homes are at greater risk for poor health, nutritional deficiencies and obesity/overweight, as well as developmental delays, poor academic achievement, depression, and increased aggressive or hyperactive behavior.

Senior Vermonters living in food insecure homes are more likely to be diabetic, suffer from depression and have limited daily actvities, and are far less likely to be considered in excellent or good health. Visit to learn how it advocates to end the injustice of hunger and malnutrion. $1050

October 2019: Vision Spring

Founded in 2001 with the goal of reaching and providing affordable, quality eye glasses to the 2.5 billion people worldwide who need them, Vision Spring has come far.  Why eyeglasses? Studies show they help increase productivity, sustain income earning potential, enhance learning, and make people safer on the roads and in their homes. With eyeglasses, people can see well and do well. Learn more about our past achievements and get to understand our journey at $957

September 2019 (2 donees):

Vermont Workers Center (Labor Day Special Collection)

Created in 1998, the Vermont Workers’ Center is a statewide grassroots organization of individuals and families who are commited to standing for justice. It seeks an economically just and democratic Vermont in which all residents can meet their human needs and enjoy their human rights, including dignified work, universal healthcare, housing, education, childcare, transportation and a healthy environment. It works to build a democratic, diverse movement of people affected by injustice that is locally focused, coordinated statewide, and connected nationally. It works with organized labor to strengthen workers’ rights, and with other allied organizations in support of other human rights. For more, visit$157

Conservation Law Foundation

Conservation Law Foundation protects New England’s environment for the benefit of all people.They use the law, science, and the market to create solutions that preserve our natural resources, build healthy communities, and sustain a vibrant economy. In VT, they shut down the polluting VT Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, stopped the sprawling Circ Highway before it destroyed rural landscapes, and, most recently, helped pass landmark legislation to clean up Lake Champlain.

Jen Duggan will speak to our congregation on Sept 15. She has worked to protect public health and ensure equal access to a clean and healthy environment. She grew up seeing firsthand the devastating effects of the Petro chemical plants in Louisiana, and was called to the field of law and entered VT Law School. Jen worked in DC, then was asked to join the Shumlin admin and is now the VP and Director of CLF VT. This spring, she led successful campaigns to pass two important safe drinking water bills in Vermont focused on eliminating lead and toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from our water and helped pass the nation’s strongest state law to curb dangerous plastic pollution. Visit for more. $800+

August 2019: John Graham Shelter Meals by Youth Group

The UU Youth Group returned from their service trip in 2017 wanting to do service locally.  A connection was made with John Graham Shelter. It has a number of housing units and works to end homelessness.  The Youth Group cooks dinner for staff and residents once a month.  The group, anywhere from 4 – 10 high school students, decides on a menu, sometimes offering family recipies, and then drives to Vergennes and cooks a healthy meal.  Occasionally, one or more of the residents will join the group and help cook.  The Youth Group also joined Rev. Barnaby and Abi Sessions to raise money for the Dec sleep out which raises funds and awareness for homelessness and the services of the shelter. For more, visit $706

Aug 9: TRUUsT: Transgender Religious Professional UUs

Special “5th Sunday” collection. $278

July 2019: Addison Allies Network, Inc.

Serves the migrant farm worker community in Addison County.  We have been involved with over 250 farm workers on over 25 farms.  Our more than 50 active volunteers provide

* English language support, * transportation assistance,

* essential house wares and furnishings, and

* social and recreational opportunities.

If interested, contact  Veronica Ciambra (, Lise Anderson, Alan Moore or Chris   Murphy. Save Sat. Dec 7 to help with the annual winter Mexican Consulate visit hosted at CVUUS.   $793

TRUUsT (Transgender Religious professional UUs Together)

TRUUsT is an organization of trans Unitarian Universalists who are living out a call to ministry within Unitarian Universalism. Its mission is to advocate for the gifts, safety, liberation, and leadership of trans religious professionals in Unitarian Universalist ministries and institutions.  $278

June 2019: Retribe

The share the plate donee for June is ReTribe. At you will learn about their 80 acre property (NothernShire) in Underhill, Vermont (previous home of the Maple Leaf Treatment Center) and all the activities ReTribe provides and has planned. While they have camps and events for a wide range of ages, they have a special passion for teens and offer several coming of age and adventure game camp opportunities. ReTribe provides scholarships to children and teens for their summer and school year programs. For more specifics, speak with Peter Orzech, who recommended ReTribe, about the value he places on the experiences he’s had. $954

May 2019: Vermont Legal Aid

Vermont Legal Aid provides general civil (non-criminal) legal information and helps you find free and low cost civil legal aid, help and services in Vermont. At, you will find:

  • information and resources about your legal rights, the law and the courts
  • help for your health care and health insurance issues
  • a “Find Legal Help” tool that guides you step-by-step to legal and health care information and to a form to ask for advice
  • links to state and community resources that may be able to help you
  • legal forms and guides to help you prepare for a court appearance
  • sample letters to help solve a problem — for example, with a landlord or bill collector. $980

Apr 2019: Middlebury Festival on the Green

The Festival on the Green has been acclaimed by Vermont Life as “the best series of free performances in Vermont” and as Vermont’s “Favorite Festival.” and distinguished this year and ten past times with selection as a Vermont Chamber of Commerce “Top Ten Summer Event.” Members of the media and of our Festival audience have graciously complimented the event with these words: “Small town, big fun!” “One of the best community oriented music festivals imaginable.” Save July 7-13 and visit to see who is performing this year. $908

Mar 2019: The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development

Andean farmers are sustainable and resilient. The soluon to poverty in the Andes is woven in the fabric of these communies. The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development is not your typical non-profit organization because it believes that these communities are more capable of eliminating their poverty than any development expert. They harness the collecve intelligence of Andeans to support community-led development in the highlands of Peru. Their projects include: Experiential Learning, Transformative Travel, Opening the Earth: The Potato King Project. Speak with the Duquette-Hoffman family about their experiences with this organization in traveling to Peru last year. $970

Feb 2019: UUA Affiliates

BLUU The Promise and the Practice of Our Faith ($419), No More Deaths ($395), UURise and Church of Larger Fellowship

Jan 2019: Outright Vermont

Outright Vermont has provided support, advocacy, and celebration of young queer people in VT for 20 years since 1989. Founded by a small group of queer adults, a4er a national survey discovered that queer youth were dramacally at higher risks of suicide than their heterosexual peers, Outright Vermont has built up programming that now includes:

  • Queer youth spaces, that host a range of weekly peer-support groups, events, workshops, and more in Burlington, Montpelier, and BraKleboro, VT;
  • Education & outreach work statewide for schools, communities, colleges, and organizations looking for support on preventing harassment, dealing with harassment, creating and supporting Queer/ Straight Alliances (QSAs), and more;
  • Annual large scale events for queer youth & the larger queer community including: 10 years of queer youth pride, a statewide queer & allied youth summit, the Fire Truck Pull, and the annual Outright Awards. All of this, and so much more. Being queer means being attracted to anyone, with no regard to a person’s gender or sex. It could mean someone is attracted to more than one gender, or even two genders. Being queer means you like what you like and you accept that your desires are dynamic and open to change. For more, visit $869

Christmas Eve 2018: HOPE

HOPE is a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant.   Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. $657

Dec 2018: Charter House Coalition

While most of us do not notice them, over 100 of our fellow citizens have been living in tents, cars, under bridges, and under decks this past summer. With cold weather, getting by each day becomes increasingly difficult. Thanks to volunteers, our community provides safe haven, food and other basic needs for 5 families and up to 40 individuals from early Sept through April 16. This program is possible because every winter several hundred individuals from Addison County contribute over 12,000 hours of volunteer time, donate hundreds of pounds of clothing and food, prepare 23,000 free meals, and pay for most of the cost of operating and maintaining our building.

There are many ways you can help:

  • volunteer to staff Charter House during the day for 2 – 3 hour shifts or overnight (you can sleep)
  • help with food prep for the dinner meal or breakfast
  • donate prepared meals, bread/rolls, fruit/deserts
  • donate adult size winter clothing especially socks, boots, gloves, sweat suits, underwear, warm coats
  • make a contribution (Charter House Coalition, 27 North Pleasant Street, Middlebury, VT 05753)

Contact Samantha Kachmar ( or Doug Sinclair (; 989-9746) if you have questions or would like to discuss any aspects of Charter House. You can also connect with us at, December’s collection raised about $897 for Charter House

Nov 2018: Vermont Food Bank

The Vermont Food Bank gets food to those in need in many ways. Each year, food producers and retailers provide the Foodbank with millions of pounds of food for distribution to our neighbors in need. The Community Kitchen Academy (CKA) prepares underemployed and unemployed Vermonters for careers in the food service industry. 3SquaresVT, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps low-income people and families buy the food they need. VT Fresh increases access to fresh fruits and vegetables by offering cooking demos & taste tests to visitors at food shelves. The Gleaning Program organizes groups of volunteers to harvest and gather excess produce from farms. The Vermonters Feeding Vermonters program purchases local fruits and vegetables from VT farmers to share with our neighbors facing hunger. For more, visit November’s collection raised $1200 for Vermont Food Bank.

Oct 2018: Legal Fund for Honduran Family Asylum Seekers

Margy and Jordan Young’s daughter Meg has been housing the Honduran family that some of you met at the Annual Labor Day Weekend Picnic at the Stone’s Farm and that was featured in the Fall 2018 UU World Magazine. This mother and her 11 year old daughter, who are cautious about their identity, were detained at the border. Many UUs like Meg are opening homes to asylum seekers. This month’s collection will go to Meg to help defray this family’s legal expenses. As the UU World cover states and Meg believes: This is no time for casual faith. October’s collection raised $1280 for Legal Fund for Honduran Family Asylum Seekers with Meg Young

Sept 2018:

One of the major barriers to safe water and sanitation is affordable financing. addresses this barrier head-on through access to small, easily repayable loans. Every repaid loan creates a new opportunity for another family. By supporting, you are part of a solution that reaches more people. This makes your donation go further. So far, they have reached more than 13 million people – and there are millions more whom you can impact today. For more than 25 years, with your help, we’ve been providing families with hope, health and the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. For more, see or speak with Jason Duquette-Hoffman, whose family traveled to Peru last winter and witnessed firsthand the challenges and importance of access to clean water in developing economies. In a region where it can take hours, and expensive fuel, to boil water, and where plastic bottles are becoming a national crisis, they experienced just a tiny fraction of the challenges faced by folks who live where clean water doesn’t run from a tap. helps families and communities build clean water infrastructure at the smallest levels through affordable microfinance.

September’s collection raised $960 for and $517 for the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.

Aug 2018: Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people through pop culture, music, art, and technology. For over 25 years, Rock the Vote has been providing easy to use voter registration and supplies im- portant election information throughout the United States. For more visit,$712

July 2018: Addison County Transit Authority (ACTR)

The ACTR Dial-a-Ride program is expanding to include farm workers and needs your help!

ACTR was established in 1992 to create a network of community transportation alternatives that connect the people and places in Addison County. We provide services that are safe, reliable, accessible and affordable for everyone. ACTR is a division of Tri-Valley Transit, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organiza- tion. ACTR relies upon the generous support of individuals, businesses, towns and philanthropic organiza- tions to provide the local match required to draw down these grants. Every $1 donated to ACTR, unlocks $4 of federal money. ACTR operates two parallel and complementary transportation systems:

1) The Dial-a-Ride System takes elders and persons with disabilities, Medicaid-eligible residents and many other vulnerable populations to medical services, work, grocery stores and meal sites.
2) The ACTR Bus System is made up of six different bus routes including connections to Rutland and Burlington. For more, visit $672

June 2018: NOFA-VT Farm Share Program

NOFA-VT Farm Share Program provides financial subsidies for limited income Vermonters to help purchase CSA shares. This helps support local farms while giving folks with limited incomes access to high quality local produce . $775

May 2018: Pathways Vermont

In recognition that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, our Share the Plate recipient is Pathways Vermont. Its mission is to transform the lives of people experiencing mental health and other life challenges by supporting self directed roads to recovery and wellness in an atmosphere of dignity, respect, choice and hope. They advocate for the rights of people to live without stigma and discrimination and promote civil rights, community integration, health care, affordable housing and employment for all. To learn more about this agency,  please visit   $723.68

Apr 2018: Common Good Vermont

Vermont dedicated to uniting and strengthening all of the mission-driven organizations that serve the Green Mountain State. Common Good Vermont serves as the “go to” resource for our peers to share resources, gain skills, and build partnerships. This work is made possible through meaningful collaboration with many local, regional and state leaders, pointed toward a thriving nonprofit sector able to contribute to the well-being of Vermont.. Common Good  Vermont focuses on increasing the leadership, accountability, sustainability and advocacy capacity of our fellow nonprofits and allies. $873.11

Also raised $229 for John Graham Shelter on our “5th Sunday” in response to an appeal from our Youth Group who did service there all year.

Mar 2018: Vermont Digger is a statewide news website that publishes watchdog reports on state government, politics, consumer affairs, business and public policy. is a project of The Vermont Journalism Trust, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The two organizations merged in October 2010. VJT became the official publisher for in March 2011. They post original news reporting, video, audio and photos, in addition to raw information in the form of press releases and government documents. In 2017, an average of 200,000 unique or individual readers visited the site each month. $604.72

Feb 2018: UUA Chalice Lighter Program

This funding program of UUA Clara Barton District/ New England helps congregations to implement efforts for membership growth. It is a competitive grant program funded by “Chalice Lighter” donors.  The Clara Barton District sets criteria for grant applications, notifies congregations about the program, reviews applications, and awards grants. After grantees are chosen, the call goes out for monetary support from pledged Chalice Lighter donors.  Within a year of the award, recipient congregations are required to file an assessment report with the district of how funds were used. Grants are made twice each fiscal year – fall and spring. Currently under development is an online crowdfunding platform called Faithify which will be used to distribute CBD Chalice Lighter pledges.  To stay updated on our progress, “Like” Faithify on Facebook! Funding guidelines will remain focused on growth and innovation in and beyond our congregations.  Keep an eye out for application details via district email blasts!  Meanwhile, if you have questions, contact the Rev. Sue Phillips, District Executive. Also visit –England. $194. We also donated $286.70 to Church of the Larger Fellowship (online congregation), and $513.50 to UUBC (newest church).

Jan 2018: Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity

Strengthens inclusive and equitable practices in Vermont businesses, state and municipal government, school districts, and communities-at-large as a means to eliminate prejudice and discrimination of all kinds. driving force behind The Vermont African American Heritage Trail, The Vermont Vision for a Multicultural Future Initiative, and The Think Tank for Vermont Leaders of Color.  For more visit, $615

Dec 2017: Earthjustice

Provides free legal aid to individuals and groups of citizens confronting large corporations and government agencies involved in environmentally hazardous or unsustainable activities. See $1078

Christmas Eve 2017: HOPE & Clergy Rental Fund

HOPE is a local non-profit whose mission is to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County by providing low-income residents with opportunities for becoming more self reliant.   The Clergy Rent Fund, an initiative of the Middlebury Area Clergy Association, helps people seeking housing by providing small loans to assist with security deposits.  Your support of our often unseen neighbors is greatly appreciated. $1466

Nov 2017: Hurricane Maria Community Relief & Recovery Fund

Designed to help the vulnerable communities of Puerto Rico that have suffered the most damage from the storm. These communities have minimal supplies and resources to recover and safeguard any property. One hundred percent of money is raised to support the immediate relief or long-term equitable rebuilding to these vulnerable communities. Plus, grassroots organizations have concluded that, aside from initial emergency funding, all grants from the María Fund will be decided by a committee made up entirely of Puerto Ricans, 50% from the island and 50% in the diaspora. $1,897

Oct 2017: Doctors Without Borders

Follow Dr. Morris Earle’s mission in Lebanon at


Crop Walk of Addison County

Raised $27,845 in no small part because of CVUUS.

Sept 2017: Salvation Farms

Salvation Farms’ mission is to build increased resilience in Vermont’s food systems through agricultural surplus management. The VT Gleaning Collective is an initiative of Salvation Farms. It’s a network of professionally organized community-based gleaning programs. Lily Bradburn coordinates gleaning for HOPE and posts opportunities through Salvation Farms’ gleaning network.  Gleaning is a CVUUS Green Sanctuary Environmental Justice Project.  Get notices directly by registering at Select the type of work you’d like to do, which includes planting, gleaning, processing, delivering, admin, etc. Once you register, you’ll receive emails of opportunities from which you can choose. You can take home some gleaned items if there’s enough. $1014.34

Aug 2017: Chaffee Art Center

Chaffee Art Center in Rutland nurtures the essential relationship between the arts and the community through exhibition, education and collaboration. They make special effort to bring art to the community through their Art in the Park events (Aug 17-18 and Oct 7-8 on Main St at Rt 7 and 4 intersection), ongoing classes and education, and numerous other outreach efforts.  Visit to learn more about their vision to create a larger Arts Campus for the region and how your donation can help their building renovation project. $1000

July 2017:  writing inside VT

Since 2010, writing inside VT has forged trusting, pro-social relationships with more than 350 of Vermont’s  incarcerated women. Their weekly writing circles at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility, South Burlington, VT, provide a safe, structured, supportive space for women to write toward growth and self-change regardless of education or writing ability. The program also creates a community of trust for women inmates by modeling healthy interpersonal boundaries, equality of voice, respectful  listening, compassion, positive feedback practices, and confidentiality. See more at $753

June 2017: Playing for Change

Playing For Change arose from a common belief that music has the power to  connect people regardless of their differences. In 2005, a small group of filmmakers set out with a dream to create a film rooted in the music of the streets. Not only has that dream been realized, it has grown into a global sensation that has touched the lives of millions of people around the world.  In 2007, the Playing for Change Foundation was established to create positive change through music and arts education.  For more, visit $763 

May 2017: Vermont National Guard Charitable Foundation

The Vermont National Guard Charitable Foundation is a nonprofit organization that serves to meet the emergency financial needs of the men and women of the Vermont National Guard and their families. Founded in 2005 by the Adjutant General of Vermont as a private, nonprofit organization, it has provided grants to meet a variety of needs from  mortgage payments and car loans to heating fuel, home repairs and utility payments. It recognizes the special sacrifices made by the soldiers, airmen and families of the Vermont National Guard and the hardships of military service by meeting a financial need beyond that normally provided by State and Federal agencies. $976.44

April “5th Sunday”: Black Lives UU


April 2017: Pride Center of VT

The Pride Center of Vermont provides a wide range of support services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Vermonters, one of the largest marginalized populations in the state. Its mission is to promote the health and safety of these Vermonters, as well as to educate and spread awareness of the challenges they face to Government agencies and all residents of the state. For more, see $1,054

March 2017: Addison County Parent/Child Center

Founded in 1980 in response to a shortage of quality child care and services for Addison County families with children under the age of three. We reached out to those who might find the job overly stressful: teen parents, parents whose infants and toddlers had special needs, and parents who were raised in abusive families and lacked positive role models for parenting. We created a program that would enhance rather than duplicate services already available to families in the community. For more, visit us at 126 Monroe St, Middlebury VT or online at  $1326.13

February 2017: Four UUA Affiliates

In February we shared our plate with four UUA affiliates. These donations will give us an opportunity for growth and action provided by the numerous “mission-oriented” organizations supported by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

February 5: Church of the Larger Fellowship is the largest Unitarian Universalist congregation in the world. It is an online spiritual home where Unitarian Universalists can find supportive UU fellowship and words toinspire and comfort.  $ 216.50

February 12: The College of Social Justice provides service and learning opportunities, especially for young adult UUs at home and abroad. $293

February 19: Donation to the newest UU Congregation which is Benton County, Arkansas. $276.45

February 28: The UU United Nations Office is the UU voice at the U.N. advocating for international human rights and giving voice to the voiceless by promoting the inherent worth and dignity of all living things. Chris Mason is the CVUUS “ambassador” to the UU-UNO. $239.25

In addition, $573 was raised for WomenSafe from the I Can’t Keep Quiet Singing Workshop held at CVUUS.

Jan 2017: Committee to Protect Journalists

This independent, nonprofit promotes press freedom worldwide. CPJ defends the right of journalists to report news without fear of reprisal. It was founded in 1981 by a group of U.S. correspondents, who realized they couldn’t ignore the plight of colleagues whose lives were in peril on a daily basis.  Nearly 1230 journalists were killed since 1992 including 48 journalists killed in 2016 with Syria being the deadliest nation. 260 journalists have been imprisoned in 2016 and 456 have been exiled since 2008. CPJ has written to Mike Pence and seeks to meet with the Trump Administration regarding 1st amendment protections. For more, visit $1283

Dec 2016: Migrant Justice

Migrant Justice builds the voice, capacity, and power of the farmworker community and engages community partners to organize for economic justice and human rights. They’ve defined community problems as a denial of rights and dignity and have prioritized building a movement to secure these fundamental human rights to: 1) Dignified Work and Quality Housing; 2) Freedom of Movement and Access to Transportation; 3) Freedom from discrimination; 4) Access to Health Care. The seeds of Migrant Justice were planted in 2009 after young dairy worker José Obeth Santiz Cruz was pulled into a mechanized gutter scraper and was strangled to death by his own clothing. For more, visit  $1836.48

The following appeared on Dec 29, 2016: 2,000 miles from border, diplomat offers aid to Mexicans in Trump era – The Boston Globe

Though their powers are limited, organizers say they are mobilizing to protect immigrants.

Nov 2016: Pure Water of the World

We partner with rural and under-served communities, where there are high incidences of waterborne diseases and a scarcity of aid. Together, we establish comprehensive safe water solutions that include the essential tools and education to serve all community members. We provide Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) education and capacity building programs, training other organizations to accelerate access to safe water and sanitation for all. We monitor every project and program delivered, to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.  $1,478.50.

“5th Sunday” Nov 2016: Minister’s Discretionary Fund

To help those in emergency need. $500.50

Oct 2016: Turning Point Center of Addison County

The Turning Point Center  is a non-profit recovery center that provides a safe, friendly, fun, and substance-free environment where all people in recovery, and their families and friends, can meet for peer-to-peer recovery support, social activities, recovery coaching, education, and advocacy. Open: Monday – Friday 10am-9pm, Saturday 5pm-9pm, and Sunday 1pm-4pm . Located at 54 A1 Creek Road, Middlebury (next to CVOEO).  Please visit  and/or  $1270.

Sept 2016: National Museum of African American History and Culture


August 2016: Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT)

MALT has made it their mission to conserve the working landscape, important natural areas, special open spaces, areas with key visual or aesthetic attributes, to link green spaces, where possible, and to protect water quality. MALT is celebrating 25 years of the Trail Around Middlebury, an 18-mile “emerald necklace” trail system around Middlebury known as the TAM. In addition to creating and maintaining trails, MALT has conserved over 2600 conserved acres of land, farms, forests, wetlands and recreational areas. MALT projects include: Greenbelt project, Powerhouse project, Otter View Park, and educational and recreational opportunities for all ages through sponsored hikes and naturalist talks. For more, visit $552.

July 2016: Project Vote

Project Vote has made it their mission to ensure that every eligible citizen has the ability to register, vote and cast a ballot that counts. One of the most important rights of American citizens is the right to vote. Originally under the Constitution, only white male citizens over the age of 21 were eligible to vote. Today, citizens over the age of 18 cannot be denied the right to vote, regard- less of race, religion, sex, disability, or sexual orientation. The U.S. electorate this year will be the country’s most racially and ethnically diverse ever. Project Vote ( is a national nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) founded on the belief that for a better America, it is essential to have an organized, di- verse electorate. Project Vote does not endorse political parties, candidates or issues but works to mobilize marginalized and underrepresented voters. It’s mostly focused on improving voter registration. They

  • eliminate disparities in registration rates between minorities and majorities;
  • see state governments play a leading role in registering Americans to vote;
  • ensure that constituency-based organizations can run effective voter registration drives;
  • promote voter registration laws, rules, and procedures that facilitate, rather than impede, registration;
  • ensure that list maintenance procedures do not remove eligible voters. $713

June 2016: Middsummer Lunch and Recreation Program


May 2016: Mary Johnson Children’s Center


April 2016: Elderly Services/Project Independence

Project Independence, a nationally recognized adult day center at Elderly Services off Exchange St, provides a closely supervised daytime home away from home for elderly adults whose independence has lessened due to chronic illness, disability, or very advanced age. Elders come from diverse backgrounds, with varying degrees of physical, cognitive, and social needs.

A staff of 80 includes activity leaders, van drivers, registered nurses, social workers, cooks, aides, and occupational therapists. Individualized care plans reflect each person’s abilities, needs, and interests. Participants rep- resent a broad range of educational backgrounds. Activities are planned for those with sharp minds as well as for those with memory problems, and include musical entertainers, creative art, cooking, word games, trivia, exercise, indoor/outdoor sport games, current events, drama group, readings, spelling bee, visits from local schools, travel talks, discussion groups, visiting pets, field trips to museums and farms, and more. Meals and transportation are also provided.

An hourly fee is established annually by the ESI Board of Directors, based on the cost of operation. Certain participants may be eligible for Veterans Administration or Medicaid waiver fee coverage. Elderly Services offers a financial aid program to make the center affordable with partial scholarship aid. Funds raised from CVUUS will go to scholarship aid. Raised $902.

March 2016: Open Door Clinic

The Open Door Clinic (Community Health Services of Addison County) provides access to quality healthcare services, free of charge, to those who are uninsured or under- insured and who meet financial eligibility guidelines; services are provided in a compassionate, respectful and culturally sensitive manner until a permanent healthcare provider can be established.

Our patients are our neighbors, friends, and family: keystone members of our community who work on and support the local farms, restaurants, and small businesses. Many of these people are unable to afford the high cost of health insurance, which leaves them highly vulnerable to illness and injury. Nearly 70% of our patients are employed, some of whom work multiple jobs just to see ends meet. In most cases, their em- ployer doesn’t offer health insurance or the premiums are far too costly. What we do here at the ODC is work to provide comprehensive primary care to support this population.

Clinics are held at 100 Porter Drive, Middlebury, VT each Tuesday evening from 6:00 – 9:00pm. We also offer clinic one Friday morning each month, from 9am-12pm to accommodate those who work evenings. Clinics are also held two Thursdays per month, from 6:00 – 9:00pm at 10 North Street, Vergennes, VT.Several CVUUSers, including Heidi Sulis, serve and volunteer at Open Door Clinic.

ODC seeks volunteer Medical Professionals to increase their capacity for delivering healthcare to those in need. They also seek Medical Interpreters because over 50% of patients are native Spanish speakers. Medical Interpreters help facilitate the delivery of care and obtain first-hand experience with public health while shadowing a wide variety of healthcare professionals. They also need Administrative Assistants to help with everything from preparing charts, surveys, and paperwork for clinic to greeting patients at the front desk and helping them get settled prior to seeing a provider. They have a great need for medical translators to help with intake forms that need translation into Spanish. This can be done from the comfort of your own home or dorm room. If you’re good with children, we are always looking for people willing to look after kids while their parents seek medical attention. If you have another skill set and think it would be beneficial to share with the community, please give us a call at 388-0137. To learn more, visit $892

February 2016: Four UUA Affiliates

February’s collection raised $237 for Church of the Larger Fellowship, $344 for Standing on the Side of Love, $148.50 for UU-UNO, and $240.75 for UU Ministry for Earth for a total of $970.25 for UUA Affliliates.

In February we shared our plate with four UUA affiliates. These donations will give us an opportunity for growth and action provided by the numerous “mission-oriented” organizations supported by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

February 7: Church of the Larger Fellowship is the largest Unitarian Universalist congregation in the world. It is an online spiritual home where Unitarian Universalists can find supportive UU fellowship and words toinspire and comfort.

February 14: The Standing on the Side of Love Campaign amplifies anti-racism, anti- sexism, and anti-violence work and immigration reform actions by UU’s and others through online media; working in partnership with others at justice events across the country; and lobbying. V

February 21: The UU United Nations Office is the UU voice at the U.N. advocating for international human rights and giving voice to the voiceless by promoting the inherent worth and dignity of all living things. Chris Mason is the CVUUS “ambassador” to the UU-UNO.

February 28: The UU Ministry for Earth focuses on connecting and inspiring an active community of UUs for environmental justice, spiritual renewal, and shared reverence for our Earth home.

These four groups were selected from among a much larger number to give congregants examples of the resources and programs of the UUA that challenge and aid us to live our UU values. To explore the scores of other groups involved in furthering UU values go to

Other Past Donees: donee-given