Social justice is at the heart of the UU spiritual path.
Share the Donation Plate: We share half of the donations collected during each Sunday service with other organizations.
Individual CVUUS members are active in a wide range of justice work. We call this work Radical Love. Contact Mary Hadley if you would like to start or join a project. As a congregation, here are ones in which we are involved.
Addison County Interfaith Climate Action Network: Bobbie C, Steve M
Black Lives Matter (BLM) Ally Group: See SURJ & Race in America Book Group.
Charter House Dinner (2nd Mon of month): Coordinated by Alan Moore. Made in our CVUUS kitchen for 32 guests. You may sign up to provide part of the meal at charter house sign up and deliver your contribution to the CVUUS kitchen before 11:30 on that Monday morning, or take it directly to Charter House. Join the team that includes Revell Allen, Sheila House, Michele Lowy, Alice Berninghausen, Carol Harden, Gayle Muenchow, Lynn Luginbuhl, Mary Conlon, Sue Grigg, Mary Lou Bright, Barbara Merz, Gail Borden, Kathryn Schloff, Andrew Menkart
Community Supper Cookies (4th Friday of month): Coordinated by Alan Moore. We provide 300 cookies/baked goods (nut free). We look for 6 bakers to provide 50 items each which you can sign up to do at charter house sign up. Deliver your contribution to the CVUUS kitchen before 11:30 on that Friday morning, or take it directly to Congregational Church of Middlebury back door by 2 pm. Kathryn Schloff, Alan Moore, Abi Sessions have coordinated an annual meal of shepherds pie and apple crisp often provided Dec/Jan but not during COVID. We’ve been asked to help with resuming suppers and await more direction.
Class Equity: Mike Greenwood coordinated several workshops.
Climate Engagement: Lise Anderson coordinates activities aimed at amplifying the work of others. More here.
Crop Walk: Poppy Rees and Bobbi Loney mobilize kids and families to walk in this annual event on the Middlebury Town Green on the first Sunday of October after worship.
Democracy Protection: Kate Gridley, Barb Karle, Bethany Barry and Mike Roy are involved in groups igniting political action in response to the recent election. Ask them about Indivisible/Middlebury Huddle Groups/3 Flipping Things.
Food Justice: Paul Stone informs us.
Gleaning: seeking leader
Guest at Your Table: For many years, youth make and sell holiday ornaments as a fundraiser for this important UUSC cause.
GunSense: seeking leader
Habitat for Humanity: Bob House and Geoff Birdsall lead a significant group of CVUUS people who have shown interest in Habitat for Humanity. We have a group that works regularly on Wednesday. Most other groups find it more convenient to work on an occasional Saturday that fits their schedule. Contact hfhmiddvolunteer@gmail.com.
HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects): Donate food to HOPE. Look for the HOPE shopping cart in our sanctuary lobby near the welcome table. We donate funds annually to HOPE through our Christmas Eve Service offering collection (~ $500-$1000) and Rhubarb Festival (~$3000).
Homelessness: Kathryn Schloff, Laura Asermily are involved in various projects including the “Gotta Go” Middlebury resource card.
Hospice/End of Life: Marnie Wood provides experience and information.
Housing: Mike Greenwood and Jean Terwilliger lead conversations on how to expand affordable housing in Addison County and track the efforts of others. More here.
Hunger Council: Robin Scheu is copied on the work in Addison County and welcome congregant liaisons. Talk to them if interested.
Kids for Kids: Our Religious Exploration classes participate in service projects and raise money for organizations that help children in need.
LGBTQIA+: Jordan Young and Ollie Cultrara
Meals on Wheels: CVUUS has a longstanding team on Mondays coordinated by Mary Conlon that includes Bob House, Alan Moore, Ted Scheu and Mike Greenwood (sub). Let her know if you want to rotate in for a shift on one Monday a month with delivery pick up on Exchange St at 9:30 am and delivery complete by 11:30 am. Other routes: Bethany Barry, Van.
Migrant Support/Mexican Consulate: Lise Anderson, Alan Moore, Miles Peterle, Chris Murphy, Mary Saudade, Alice Berninghausen, Neily Jennings
Open Door Clinic: Heidi Sulis remains its executive director and appreciates volunteers like Alan Moore who are translators for medical appointments and Alice Berninghausen who helps in the office.
Peace Day: Rich Hennessey and Donna Blaszczyk have encouraged CVUUS to remember United Nations International Day of Peace each Sept 21. In earlier days, Ann Ross led efforts in schools to teach alternatives to military service.
Race in America Book Group: Mike Greenwood and Jean Terwilliger lead regular book talks that inspire further action. Let them know if there is a book you think we should explore. More here.
Refugee Resettlement: Contact Abi Sessions to be added to Middlebury Area Refugee Support listserve.
SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice): Joanna Colwell, Kathy Comstock, Caitlin Gildrien, Esther Charlestin, Francois Clemmons. More here.
Transportation Alternatives: Dorothy Mammen offers tie as a Tri-Valley Transit Dial-a-Ride driver of neighbors to appointments and can help you rotate in. You can pick how often and get reimbursed for gas.
WomenSafe: Donate items to WomenSafe. Look for the WomenSafe heart-wrapped box in our sanctuary lobby near the welcome table. WomenSafe seeks toiletries, baby dolls with bottles, notebooks, granola bars (or other non-perishable snacks), towels /washcloths/ stuffed animals (new or gently used), gift certificates to local hair salons, restaurants, laundromats, and grocery stores. Ask Dottie Nelson if anything else is needed.
UU United Nations Office: We seek a liaison with the UUA’s office at the United Nations, which works for UU values around the world.
VT Workers Center: Donna Blaszczyk
“I Can’t Keep Quiet” anthem of resistance to hate and oppression (website) – #icantkeepquiet