The best way to meet people at CVUUS, and to discover how our values play out in real life, is to volunteer.
Contact the CVUUS office if you’d like to:
- bring goodies for the after-service gathering each Sunday
- be a greeter or usher at Sunday services
- help maintain our beautiful building and grounds
- see below for other ways to help — or suggest one!
Contact the CVUUS office if you’d like to serve on a committee. And please visit our signup sheets for one-off events looking for volunteers.
What Would You Like to Do?
You can view ministry options below and report your interest to any Council of Ministry member or Sunday worship service greeter.
Spiritual Life/ Worship
[ ] Worship team (leading service) [ ] Choir [ ] Other music
[ ] Flowers/seasonal arrangements [ ] Sound/media help
[ ] Ushering [ ] Greeting [ ] Taking photos
Religious Exploration
[ ] Adult (Small Group Ministry) [ ] Meditation Group (Sangha)
[ ] Children all ages, [ ] Youth Group [ ] Nursery/preschool
Congregational Life
[ ] Hospitality [ ] Caring Network [ ] Date Night Café
[ ] Membership [ ] Pastoral Care [ ] Winter social event
[ ] Rhubarb Festival [ ] Seder [ ] Radical Love Giveaway
[ ] Women’s Group [ ] Writing Group
Resources and Stewardship
[ ] Donations Ministry [ ] Facilities [ ] Landscaping
[ ] Gatekeeping for renters [ ] Financial Planning [ ] UU’re Home B&B host
[ ] Library, book sale cart, archives
Radical Love/ Social Justice
[ ] Addison County Interfaith Climate Action Network:
[ ] Black Lives Matter (BLM) Ally Group: Caitlin Gildrien
[ ] Community Meals: Alan Moore, Revell Allen
[ ] Class Equity: Board
[ ] Crop Hunger Walk:
[ ] Food Justice/Waste: Paul Stone
[ ] Food Shelf Donations
[ ] Guest at Your Table:
[ ] GunSense
[ ] Habitat for Humanity: Bob House, Geoff Birdsall
[ ] Hospice
[ ] Hunger Council
[ ] Indivisible/Middlebury Huddle Groups: Kate Gridley, Bethany Barry
[ ] Kids for Kids:
[ ] Meals on Wheels: Mary Conlon
[ ] Migrant Support/Mexican Consulate: Lise Anderson
[ ] Open Door Clinic: Heidi Sulis
[ ] Queerios (LGBTQ): Jordan Young
[ ] Refugee Resettlement: Abi Sessions
[ ] SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice): Joanna Colwell
[ ] Turning Point Center (addiction recovery)
[ ] UU United Nations Liaison
[ ] Atria: Dottie Nelson
[ ] CVUUS Board Hannah Sessions, Brett Millier
[ ] Council of Ministries Mary Hadley, Susie Davis Patterson