The highest priority is that people of all ages are opened to deeper connections with themselves, others, and the spirit of life.
— From CVUUS Purpose Statement – Why We Exist, adopted Fall, 2011
Visiting, Volunteering, and Joining
Come visit CVUUS any Sunday morning at 10 am and join us for conversation after the service, at about 11 am. Also available online via zoom Launch Meeting – Zoom
Consider joining CVUUS if you have decided that our community is where you find spiritual renewal.
Get to know us by volunteering and support CVUUS with your donations.
If you are in need of support, contact Rev. Tricia or Rev. Christina or the CVUUS Caring Network.
CVUUS Programs and Groups
Deepen and broaden your personal spiritual growth by joining a Small Group Ministry group.
Meditate with the CVUUS Sangha any Sunday evening, currently online.
Openings for Deeper Connections
Worship Team: Provide the congregation with varied coherent services that are spiritually deep as well as intellectually, existentially, and morally challenging. Help to plan and deliver Sunday Services: plan yearly and monthly themes, assist the worship leader. Have a voice in what happens each Sunday. We meet every third Wednesday of the month beginning at 7 pm. Contact Abi Sessions
Religious Exploration Council: Help plan and implement RE programs. Meets monthly. Contact Tracey Harrington
Finance: Help count the collection after church – Contact Mary Conlon
Hospitality: Set-up, serve, and clean-up coffee hour
Ushers and Greeters: Smiles. Greetings. Introductions. Welcomes. How are these words related? They describe ushers – the people who greet and hand you the hymnals and programs. Being an usher is easy, fun and great way to meet people – stress-free. Consider being one today. Talk to any usher to learn more or Mike Greenwood,