Ministers and Staff
Office Phone Number: (802) 388-8080
Office Hours: Mon – Fri 8 am – noon
Interim Minister ~ Rev. Tricia Hart
Rev. Tricia began as part-time contracted minister in Aug 2023 along with Rev. Christina Sillari. She was the former interim minister at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Burlington. Email her at
Interim Minister ~ Rev. Christina Sillari
Rev. Sillari began as part-time contracted minister in Aug 2023 along with Rev. Tricia Hart. Rev. Christina exchanged pulpits with Rev. Barnaby in Fall 2019. Email her at
Watch a conversation with our ministers.
Community Minister & Ministerial Intern ~ Tom Morgan
Tom serves CVUUS as community minister and in a hybrid community-parish pastoral internship. Please see our Community Ministry and its News & Opportunities pages, and reach out to Tom at for more. Tom is on site Wednesdays & Thursdays generally.
Director of Music ~ Jen Cohen
Leads choir in singing three Sundays a month and rehearsing on Wednesday nights as well as oversees all aspects of enriching our lives with music, Email at Jen is on site Thursdays 3-7 pm and Sunday mornings when the choir sings.
Acting Religious Exploration Coordinator~ Julia Santerre
Julia coordinates the Sunday RE programming and other RE related events at CVUUS in collaboration with the RE Council. She is onsite most Sundays, and otherwise works remotely. Email Julia at
Julia is a former attorney who homeschools her four children. She loves gardening, playing board games with her family, singing, dabbling in various arts and crafts hobbies, and good books – especially children’s books with a good message and beautiful pictures! She is passionate about social justice – especially things that affect children, LGBTQIA individuals, and the environment (although she knows that all justice issues are interconnected!)
Administrator ~ Laura Asermily
Laura handles the administration of CVUUS. Contact Laura with questions about attending CVUUS, renting our beautiful sanctuary, and other questions. More about Laura Asermily.
Office hours: Mon – Friday 8-12 and longer on Wed till 4. Email or call (802) 388-8080.
Communications Assistant ~ Jess Danyow
Jess works a part-time hybrid office/remote schedule to support our regular congregational communications and can be reached at She is onsite as needed.
Cara Mosier, Bookkeeper
Cara handles bookkeeping and accounting questions, including questions about Member donations. Works on Tuesdays remotely. Email
Keith Rickerby, Sexton
Keith handles the surveillance and cleaning our our buildings and grounds. He usually works Fridays 2:30-4:30 pm, Saturdays 7-10 am or 5-7, and Mondays 3:30-5:30 pm. He can help open and close for events and monitor parking for large events.