Mud CommUUion Sunday

We shared about a) a time in your life when you felt really stuck or b) a time in your life when it became clear something good had come out of time when you were stuck or c) what about life today leaves you feeling most bogged down/stuck. We embraced Spring’s most reliable and perfect symbol of challenging transitions. CVUUS members were invited to join us immediately following worship via our Zoom Coffee Hour link for a special brief congregational meeting.

Prelude:  Mud Season  Chuck Miller

Welcome:  Jason Duquette-Hoffman, You Tube link

Call to Worship: Declan’s CVUUS by Declan Timmons and Neily Jennings

Chalice Lighting: The Gift of This Day by Rev. Gary Kowalski
Jason Duquette-Hoffman and Ollie Cultrara

Hymn: Gather the Spirit by Jim Scott (alternate lyrics by Pat Lamanna)

Time for All Ages: The Curious Garden by Peter Brown   Poppy Rees, Dir of Religious Exploration

Sing the Children Out: Let Us Open Our Eyes (photo montage, Lucy Tenenbaum, dir. CVUUS Choir)You Tube link 

Mud CommUUnion: Rev. Barnaby with Karl Lindholm, Micah Stewart, Ellen Flight, Ted Scheu, Rosalie Cryan, Dr. Francois S. Clemmons, Ollie Cultrara and Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Milestones and Passages: Rev. Barnaby. (Future ones can be shared at

Prayer/Meditation and Time of Silence: Music Lean on Me by Bill Withers, variations by Chuck Miller, photo montage, Lucy Tenenbaum

Offering and Pathways to Connection: Today’s offering will be shared with Covid-19 Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions can be made at

Hymn: Spirit of Life

Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:  Chuck Miller photo montage, Lucy Tenenbaum

Thank you for joining us for worship!

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