We are hoping to have a Youth Group for the 24-25 year!

We are in the process of rebuilding and staffing this program.

We don’t know yet when or how often this group will meet. In the past, they met 2-3 Sundays/month. There were also some Saturday nights.

Our Youth Group has always been a blend of youth whose families are part of CVUUS and youth who come from the community.


The Youth Group has done lots of things in the past, including:

  • Eating! pizza, baking cookies, going to get ice cream
  • social justice work
  • cooking for John Graham Shelter
  • John Graham Sleepout fundraiser
  • participating in protests
  • June week-long service trips to NYC and Long Island
  • fundraising for those trips!
  • games of all kinds: Escape Room board game, Minute To Win It challenges…
  • Congregation-wide bakeoff with lots of great desserts and the highly regarded Golden Spoon awards
  • created and ran their own Sunday morning worship service
  • apple picking and donut-eating at local orchard
  • watching film and discussing
  • CROP Walk
  • Pride (Midd Pride is October 12!)
  • assisted in younger RE groups and the Nursery
  • and much more


If you are interested in being part of our new Youth Group this year, contact Director of Religious Exploration Poppy Rees: re@cvuus.org