Spirit in Nature UU Path Quote Selection Underway

It is here.  Your opportunity to help select new signage on the SPiN UU Path.

If you can make your choices in person at worship this Sunday, please do so, but if you are not attending services and/or events at CVUUS before Fri September 6, send your choices identified by the number associated with sayings/passages you would like the SPiN Board to consider.  Send your choices to  mike802vt@comcast.net

These are posted on the Fellowship Hall wall as well as attached here: SPiN Quote Options

Thanks to all who contributed to Spirit in Nature as our July share the plate donee for bench replacement and trail restoration. We raised $1052.50 toward this. Spirit in Nature is a place of interconnecting paths where people of diverse spiritual traditions may walk, worship, meet, meditate, and promote education and action toward better stewardship of this sacred Earth. More at spiritinnature.org.

Congratulations to CVUUS’ Bethany Barry for being recognized as the 2024 Eco-spirit Awardee along with other Pollinator Pathways of Addison County founders at their annual meeting in May joining CVUUS’ Laura Asermily as 2009 eco-spirit awardee who participated with fellow eco-spirit awardees in the wonderful climate change symposium that followed the SPiN awards. Laura is flanked by beekeeper Ross Conrad (2022) and 2 of the 3 Pollinator Pathway awardees for 2024 (not Bethany). Also pictured is SPiN founder Paul Bortz and the first eco spirit awardee Bill McKibben (2001). Laura has been around SPiN since its formation, so deeply devoted to its mission to inspire interfaith harmony in nature.

Thanks to Mike and Liam Greenwood for hosting regular hikes at Spirit in Nature and coordinating the selection of new quotes for the UU path.