Into the Darkness, Light

Rev. Tricia reflected on centuries-old celebrations of light in this season of Solstice – the darkest time of the year. Why it matters to light a fire, hang sparkly lights, or gather with friends to bring warmth and joy into the cold and sadness that surrounds us. Plus, a few stories about how Unitarians and Universalists have played parts in the battle for Christmas. We’ll share our offering with Charter House Coalition.

Social Hour in the Fellowship Hall: Thanks to our Caring Network for covering this Sunday and to Donna Blaszczyk and Kathryn Schloff for making cake to celebrate our December birthdays. We won’t have social hour for Christmas Eve Dec 24 services and resume on Dec 31. Let Alan Moore know if your ministry team or small group would like to take a turn covering this. Find the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.

See worship details here: OOS Dec. 17, 2023

See a recording here: