Come at 10 am for Social Hour Before Worship. Come in your flip-flops, your muck books, your running shoes, or your stylish pumps. Whatever is on your feet for Flip Flop Sunday, we will be flip-flopping social hour and worship. Social hour WITH BREAKFAST OF FRUIT CRISPS begins at 10 am, followed by streaming worship live from UUA General Assembly at 11. This switch enables us to connect at 11 am with the thousands of UU’s watching the closing worship service of our denomination’s annual gathering and to hear from some of our national leaders. Then join us if you are able for the Midd Pride March (see below). See you at 10 am Sunday! Questions? Contact Abi Sessions. We’ll share our offering plate with Rutland NAACP this month in honor of Juneteenth & our new anti-racism covenant.
Page about the GA Sunday Morning Worship –
Page where the YouTube will be embedded –
YouTube –