Re-creating Our Lives through “Radical Amazement”

ON SITE & ZOOM. Through our daily lives, we take part in the act of creation.  The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, called “the birthday of the world,” reminds us of our ability and responsibility to co-create the world, and challenges our complacency with the way things are.  It reminds us to experience wonder, which the Jewish philosopher and theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel called “radical amazement.”  Rosh Hashanah kicks off a personal and community journey, in which we examine our past, present, and future.  What will come of it? Led by Pam Berenbaum. We shared our plate with the Brigid Alliance a reproductive rights organization getting people to abortion care whatever it takes.

Order of Service

*indicates the congregation participates

Land Acknowledgement:   Abi Sessions, Worship Associate

Welcome:  Abi

*Gathering Song: Turn, Turn, Turn   Ronnie Romano, Music Dir., Choir & The House Band

Call to Worship: Pam Berenbaum

*Chalice Lighting: Abi

May this flame kindle cherished memories

Spark gratitude for the blessing of community,

And wash us in the light of life-giving love.

Time for All Ages: Joseph Had a Little Overcoat  by Simms Taback (video)

Singing the Kids Out: This Little Light of Mine

Offering:  We’ll share our collection with the Brigid Alliance presented today by Ashleigh Hickey. Please write all checks to CVUUS. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Offering Music: Ronnie

Receiving the Offering:   From You I Receive (Gray #402)

Milestones & Passages: Abi

Meditation:  Abi

*Music:  Hinei Mah Tov  Choir

Reading: Everything Is Waiting for You by David Whyte      Scott Barkdoll

Reflection: Radical Amazement   Pam Berenbaum

Music:  I Am Only One   Choir

Closing Words:   Pam

Postlude: Hinei Mah Tov  Ronnie

Hebrew transliteration: Hinei Mah tov u-ma nayim / Shevet achim gam yachad, also translation: Behold how good and how pleasant it is for people to dwell together in harmony.

Credits: Thanks to Pam Berenbaum for leading worship; Scott Barkdoll for reading; our Choir and the House Band for music; Jess Danyow for seasonal arrangements; and all who stepped up to help with tech, ushering, greeting, safety, and social hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

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