Holy Earth Day (Part 2)

IN PERSON & ON ZOOM. Rev. Barnaby continued our reflection on what it might look like to celebrate Earth Day with as much intention as Christians celebrate Easter after the 40 day build-up period of Lent. We honored the Spring Equinox and talked about some specific daily rituals to ground us more deeply in our relationship with Earth and life on it as Earth Day approaches. We had a Time for All Ages about an heroic woman led by Poppy,  more singing led by Ronnie and choir, and a testimonial from Marnie Wood.  Followed by our monthly Congregational Conversation during social hour. Watch a recording of the service posted on You Tube here.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Welcome: Ellen Flight

Call to Worship: Ellen Flight

Chalice Lighting: Ellen Flight

Light Is Returning by Kate McPhee

Around us, light is returning.
It rekindles the spirit of life in the skeletons of trees.
It brings forth new shoots from the soil.
It wakes us from our winter slumber, and invites us to see what lies beyond.

We light this chalice in the spirit of our Earth’s awakening
and to reaffirm our commitment to the value of our home.

Hymn: We Sing of Golden Mornings (Gray #44) Ronnie Romano, Music Dir. with CVUUS Choir

Time for All Ages:  Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering:  We’ll share our collection today and this month with Planned Parenthood of Middlebury. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Offering Music:  Ronnie Romano

Canvass Testimonial: Marnie Wood

Milestones & Passages:  Rev. Barnaby


Music: What Is This Life (Gray #94)  CVUUS Choir

Readings: Ellen Flight & Rev. Barnaby

This Clay Jug by Kabir

Earth Teach Me from the Ute Indians of North America

Sermon:  And Now For the Rest of the Sermon    Rev. Barnaby

Hymn: Dear Weaver of Our Lives’ Design (Gray #22) CVUUS Choir

Benediction:     Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Building a New Way (Teal #1017)   Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Ellen Flight; Marnie Wood for her testimonial; our choir; Jordan Young, Abi Sessions, Rich Wolfson and Mary Hadley for technical support; our Flower Co-op for seasonal arrangements; Avi Freund, Karl Lindholm and all who helped set up, usher, and greet; Alan Moore and Mike Greenwood for overseeing safety, sound and coffee hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!