UU Paths to Knowing (and Not Knowing)

Rev. Barnaby concluded his sermon series on what we know and how we know it with some thoughts about the Unitarian Universalism’s “Six Sources of Our Living Tradition” (helpful background).  The Time for All Ages spotlighted the wisdom of kids along with some famous prophets and our choir sang.  We shared our plate with Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM). Watch a recording of the service here.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Welcome:  Becky Strum, Worship Associate

Call to Worship: We Are Connected by Leslie Takashai   Becky Strum

Chalice Lighting: Becky Strum

We pause this morning

from the chaos of the world

to reclaim the beauty within these


that carry us through our week,

We lift this community onto our


with pride and grace-filled expectations

for our children

and our children’s children. By Marta Valentin

Introduction to the 6 Sources of Our Living Tradition:  Rev. Barnaby

1st Source: I Am That Great and Fiery Force (Gray #27)   Anthony Petti video

2nd Source:  Time for All Ages      Becky Strum & Rev. Barnaby

Offering:  We’ll collect for UU DRUUMM. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Offering Music: Variations on Filled with Loving Kindness  Ronnie Romano

3rd Source:   A Buddhist Story   Rev. Barnaby

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby


4th Source: The 23rd Psalm (Teal #1038)      Ronnie Romano

5th Source: Brief Reflection on Accuracy  by Miroslav HolubBecky Strum

      O What a Piece of Work We Are (Gray #313)   CVUUS Choir

6th Source: Homily     Rev. Barnaby

Hymn   Mother Earth, Beloved Garden (Teal #1067)   CVUUS Choir

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:  Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Becky Strum; our choir; Mary Hadley, Richard Hopkins, Alan Moore and others for technical support; our Flower Co-op for seasonal arrangements; Helene Vanderburgh and all who helped set up, usher, and greet.

Thank you for joining us for worship!