”Savages”: A Thanksgiving Reflection

Rev. Barnaby looked back on this year’s Thanksgiving with a reflection inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s ironic use of this insult in his largely forgotten essay on Native American civility, which he saw as exemplary and deeply rooted in healthy communal relationships. Watch a recording of it here.

Order of Service

Entire service indoors (please mask AND distance).

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude Music: Chuck Miller

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Esther Thomas, Worship Associate

Call to Worship For You by Walt Whitman (Gray #659)  Responsive Reading led by Esther Thomas and Rev Barnaby

Chalice Lighting  Esther Thomas

Community is the spirit, the guiding light of the tribe, whereby people come together in order to fulfill a specific purpose, to help others fulfill their purpose, and to take care of one another.  Sobonfu Some

Honoring the Children in Song: Let Us Open Our Eyes   Poppy Rees

Story for All Ages: Esther Thomas

Offering:  Our donee is Honor the Earth. Contributions can be made as https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby. Those on zoom may enter theirs in chat. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Prayer/Meditation: Rev. Barnaby

Music   M’ikmaq Blackbird sung by Emma Stevens

Readings: Esther Thomas

“Affirmation” by Rev. Barnaby Feder (adapted from the words of Rev. Edward Everett Hale (Gray #457)

Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America

(Introduction) by Benjamin Franklin

Sermon: Savage Gratitude  Rev. Barnaby

Music:  Wake Now My Senses (Gray #298)   Chuck Miller

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Chuck Miller

Credits:  Thanks to our worship associate Esther Thomas; Alan Moore, Margy Young, Jordan Young, Rich Wolfson and Abi Sessions for technical support; Bobbie Carnwath for fall arrangements; Mike Greenwood and all who helped set up, usher, greet and provide hospitality.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

