Led by Liam Greenwood with MUHS student Grace Vining who, along with a Burlington student Theo Ellis Novtny, won an award for young film makers by creating this short documentary focusing on learning and teaching about Abenaki history and culture. Grace started out writing a protest letter to School Administration about the invisibility of Abenaki references in her education. She was then invited to take a graduate course in Shelburne. From there her passion was obvious and a teacher invited her to create a documentary encouraging teachers to integrate Abenaki heritage into the curriculum.
Grace would like any speaker honorarium on her part to go toward the “Abenaki Artist Association.” The government has placed a difficult burden on the Abenaki, forbidding them to sell their arts and crafts as authentic unless they can prove their ancestry. However, two generations earlier, Indigenous people were forcibly sterilized if they were found to be Indigenous. Consequently, many hid their ancestry for survival. Now they need papers to prove it. They are the only ethnic group for which this is required.
Order of Service
Preservice: Chuck Miller accompanied by harvest and autumn images
Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land Julia Chant
Prelude: For the Beauty of the Earth Kate Gridley
Welcome/ Pathways to Connection: Liam Greenwood, Worship Leader
Call to Worship/Chalice Lighting: Liam Greenwood with Grace Vining and Theo Ellis Novtny
Reflection 1: Three Sisters in music Kate Gridley
Hymn: Mother Earth, Beloved Garden
Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees
Reflection 2: Three Sisters in music Kate Gridley
Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with Movement Voter Project. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.
Milestones & Passages: Liam Greenwood. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard
Prayer & Meditation
Reflection 3: Three Sisters in music Kate Gridley
Message: Liam Greenwood interview with Grace and Theo
Documentary: The Lost Story: Teaching Abenaki Culture & History
Departing Charge: Grace Vining
Postlude: For the Beauty of the Earth Kate Gridley
Thanks to our “Stream Team” Rich Wolfson and Richard Hopkins and Jordan Young for leading zoom coffee hour.
Thank you for joining us for worship!
Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour at 11AM to say hello. Login at https://zoom.us/my/cvuusservice/. Bring your own coffee or tea.
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Follow us on Facebook CVUUSVT for future updates on our Sunday morning worship services. Sign up for our e-weekly blast news at office@cvuus.org. Request a virtual visit with Rev. Barnaby at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/VirtualVisit or arrange for one on one time with him in our Sanctuary at revbarnaby@cvuus.org