Let Us Bake Bread Together, then Say “Cheese”

We shared reflections from Joanna Colwell, Jean Terwilliger and Liam Greenwood and delicious visual montages of congregants making and giving bread compiled by Liam along with musical performances from some of our congregants.

Order of Service

Prelude: Here We Are   Chuck Miller on piano with visual montage compiled by Lucy Tenenbaum

Let us Break Bread Together  performed by Kate Gridley

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Liam Greenwood, Worship Associate

Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting with excerpts from Homemade Bread by Maddie Kincaid

Opening Songs: When the Summer Sun Is Shining

Making Challah Bread with Joanna Colwell

Time for All Ages: Michele Lowy

Song of Response: Filled with Loving Kindness sung by Sydney Singh, Connie Leach, Chris Prickitt and Liam Greenwood

Reflection: Jean Terwilliger

Milestones & Passages: Liam Greenwood. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Prayer & Meditation: Kneading Bread with Jean Terwilliger

Reflection: Bread as Protest: We All Rise Together  Liam Greenwood

Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Song of Protest: Bread & Roses sung by Connie Leach, Joanna Colwell, and Sydney Singh and accompanied by Kate Gridley, Chuck Miller, Shannon LaRose, and Chris Prickitt

Reflection: Joanna Colwell (making sourdough bread)

Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice: Liam Greenwood

Postlude: Common Thread  with Shannon LaRose, Chris Prickitt, Connie Leach, Joanna Colwell, Sydney Singh, Liam Greenwood

Thanks to our “Stream Team” Rich Hopkins, Margy Young and Kate Gridley.

